Dear friends,
I regret exceedingly not having seen you at the time you were here last summer, as referred As Written: refered to in your letterClick link to view 382.50.013 document in new window. It was my only attempt at a vacationEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy and her husband, Asa Gilbert Eddy, spent July and August 1880 in Concord, New Hampshire. for seven years and during it I revised and corrected another edition of Science And HealthEditorial Note: This would become the third edition of Science and Health, published on August 17, 1881. a copy of which shall be pleased to present you whenever it is publishedEditorial Note: The third edition of Science and Health was published on August 17, 1881.. As usual I am checked in this work, informed by my Printer It must be written in Manuscript As Written: Mss. I had corrected it from the ravages As Written: raveges of my last printer, — on the margin of the printed leaf and now I am told the 600 pages must be rewritten. I have Sunday services, weekly meetings, incessant calls, correspondence and my classes all to attend to during the time I am rewriting it, so you see it will be six months probably before I shall get the work completed I think any one would be interested in the remarkable history of this book and the trials I have passed through since its first issue. It was only out two weeks (the last edition) before my dear husband was arrested for conspiring to kill Spofford! The student whom I kept gratuitously at my "Home" over a year. He As Written: he never paid for his tuition or board and took the money fraudulently for 1000 copies of my first edition, never paying me a cent, and then hid himself away two weeks, had it published in the papers he was murdered and my husband was one that procured it — just as the last edition came out to stop its sale. It did stop it for a while.
But a Baptist in Boston (now more of an Adventist) sent for me to supply his pulpit and I did, that gave me the opportunity for six months to keep the "good tidings"Luke 2:8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. Luke 2:9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. Luke 2:10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. circulating I healed a large number by my sermons and they owned it at the close of them
I hope you both will come here again and just drop me a line beforehand May God open more and more the Truth of being to you both