Accession: 563.59.012
Editorial Title: C. F. Morrill to Mary Baker Eddy, August 24, 1884
Author: C. F. Morrill 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: August 24, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by C. F. Morrill on his lined printed stationery from Chicago, Illinois.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Your telegramEditorial Note: This telegram is not extant. was received at 11-30 the day you sent the same. It gave us great pleasure. We met same eve and adopted the constitution as per Boston association.

R. Sherman. Bell. Beecher & C.F. Morrill were appointed a committee to draft such by-laws as are needed for a branch associationAs Written:asso.

The changes are as follows all other sections being the same as your by-laws

Art 1.

Sec. 2d In the absence of the PresidentAs Written:Presd. the duties of the this office shall devolve upon the Vice President.

Sec 3d The election, duties and tenure of office of the ViceAs Written:V. PresidentAs Written:Presd. Shall be identical with those of the President.

Sec. 4. Provides for PresidentAs Written:Presd. Pro-tem in the absence of both PresidentAs Written:Presd. & ViceAs Written:V. PresidentAs Written:Presd.

Meetings are the first & second Thursday of each month, from 1 to 3 o’clock Chicago time. This will enable you to remember us at the time allowing for difference As Written: diference in Boston and Chicago time.

We have tendered the use of these rooms free of rent for the associationAs Written:Asso. and this will be the permanent meeting place by the unanimous vote of the associationAs Written:Asso.

The fee for membership is $1Editorial Note: $1.00 in 1884 is the equivalent of $27.69 in 2017.. Quarterly dues 50 cEditorial Note: $.50 in 1884 is the equivalent of $13.84 in 2017..

Officers of the Chicago C.S. Asso.Editorial Note: A branch of the Christian Scientist Association comprised of students of Mary Baker Eddy in Chicago, Illinois.

Mrs. ProfessorAs Written:Prof. Eddy President

Miss. Ellen Brown Vice PresidentAs Written:Presd.

C.F. Morrill SecretaryAs Written:Sec’y

Miss. Bell Beecher TreasurerAs Written:Treas.

The first vote for Vice PresidentAs Written:Presd. stood 11 for Roger Sherman 1 for Miss Brown (cast by Mr. S.)

No amount of urging could induce Bro. Sherman to accept. Miss Brown was thus elected by acclamation without a dissenting voice. Miss Brown shows already at the two meetings held (one special meeting) the wisdom of this choice. She is just such help as we need. Mrs. Noyes is of great value to us. In addition to the names given below as those who have signed the constitution & by-laws there will be some others who could not attend the special meeting.

Miss Ellen Brown

C.F. Morrill

Miss Bell Beecher

Mrs. G.P. Noyes. Mrs. J.M. Beach. Roger Sherman. Mrs. Olive L. Avery Benj Smith Miss Sarah F. Bickford. G. B. Wickersham.

Dr. Avery chosen as an honorary member and insisted on paying fees & dues as well as his wife.

We are waiting your answer as to who shall be elected as members. Viz. shall it be your students only? While we believe that the true way the most of us yet it will save all discussions if you will name how it best be. You will remember Mr. Emerson was in the class a number of days, would it be proper to elect him an honorary member if Mrs. Emerson joins? I will write Dr. Frye soon

Yours in love of Truth
C.F. Morrill
SecretaryAs Written:Sec’y
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Your telegramEditorial Note: This telegram is not extant. was received at 11-30 the day you sent the same. It gave us great pleasure. We met same eve and adopted the constitution as per Boston association.

R. Sherman. Bell. Beecher & C.F. Morrill were appointed a committee to draft such by-laws as are needed for a branch assoExpanded:association.

The changes are as follows all other sections being the same as your by-laws

Art 1.

Sec. 2d In the absence of the Presd.Expanded:President the duties of the this office shall devolve upon the Vice President.

Sec 3d The election, duties and tenure of office of the V.Expanded:Vice Presd.Expanded:President Shall be identical with those of the President.

Sec. 4. Provides for Presd.Expanded:President Pro-tem in the eve absence of both Presd.Expanded:President & V.Expanded:Vice Presd.Expanded:President

Meetings are the first & second Thursday of each month, from 1 to 3 o’clock Chicago time. This will enable you to remember us at the time allowing for diference Corrected: difference in Boston and Chicago time.

We have tendered the use of these rooms free of rent for the Asso.Expanded:association and this will be the permanent meeting place by the unanimous vote of the Asso.Expanded:association

The fee for membership is $1Editorial Note: $1.00 in 1884 is the equivalent of $27.69 in 2017.. Quarterly dues 50 cEditorial Note: $.50 in 1884 is the equivalent of $13.84 in 2017..

Officers of the Chicago C.S. Asso.Editorial Note: A branch of the Christian Scientist Association comprised of students of Mary Baker Eddy in Chicago, Illinois.

Mrs. Prof.Expanded:Professor Eddy President

Miss. Ellen Brown Vice Presd.Expanded:President

C.F. Morrill Sec’yExpanded:Secretary

Miss. Bell Beecher Treas.Expanded:Treasurer

The first vote for Vice Presd.Expanded:President stood 11 for Roger Sherman 1 for Miss Brown (cast by Mr. S.)

No amount of urging could induce Bro. Sherman to accept. Miss Brown was thus elected by acclamation without a dissenting voice. Miss Brown shows already at the two meetings held (one special meeting) the wisdom of this choice. She is just such help as we need. Mrs. Noyes is of great value to us. In addition to the names given below as those who have signed the constitution & by-laws there will be some others who could not attend the special meeting.

Miss Ellen Brown

C.F. Morrill

Miss Bell Beecher

Mrs. G.P. Noyes. Mrs. J.M. Beach. Roger Sherman. Mrs. Olive L. Avery Benj Smith Miss Sarah F. Bickford. G. B. Wickersham.

Dr. Avery chosen as an honorary member and insisted on paying fees & dues as well as his wife.

We are waiting your answer as to who shall be elected as members. Viz. shall it be your students only? While we believe that the true way the most of us yet it will save all discussions if you will name how it best be. You will remember Mr. Emerson was in the class a number of days, would it be proper to elect him an honorary member if Mrs. Emerson joins? I will write Dr. Frye soon

Yours in love of Truth
C.F. Morrill
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Chicago, Illinois This telegram is not extant. $1.00 in 1884 is the equivalent of $27.69 in 2017. $.50 in 1884 is the equivalent of $13.84 in 2017. A branch of the Christian Scientist Association comprised of students of Mary Baker Eddy in Chicago, Illinois.