Report of Aug meeting -
Regular meeting of the C.S.A. of ChiEditorial Note: The Christian Scientist Association of Chicago was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts. held at the rooms of Mrs. Philbrick & Miss Beecher - Thurs. Aug 6. at 4 P.M. Pres. Brown in chair. 14 out of 19 membersAs Written:mem. present, together with Dr. Avery - Meeting opened by repeating Lord's PrayerMatt 6:9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Matt 6:10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Matt 6:11 Give us this day our daily bread. Matt 6:12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Matt 6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. .
2nd Minutes of previous meeting read & accepted as corrected.
1st Before proceeding with the regular business of the meeting, the rules were laid aside & the report of committeeAs Written:com. on examinationAs Written:exam was given. Mr. Jas. Whitehead withdraws, Mrs. Gooding failed to pass the exam. Mr. Beebe is out of town. Mrs. Goodall's election was deferred until Mrs. Bartlett is heard from Mr. W. W. Dodge passed the exam. Mrs. Hannah Larminie, student of Mrs. Eddy & highly recommended by her was elected unanimouslyAs Written:unan, W. W. (Dodge unanimouslyAs Written:unan. elected.)
Miss Brown informed us that Mrs. Eddy would let Asso.Editorial Note: The Christian Scientist Association of Chicago was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts. have Hist, Sketch for 4¢Editorial Note: $0.04 in 1885 is the equivalent of $1.07 in 2020. a piece: she also informed us that Mrs. Eddy, Mrs. Crosse, & Mrs Bartlett had sent word that the Journal is bankrupt. They would like contributions, subscribers, & advertisements. Prefer subscribers to circulate Journal. QuestionAs Written:Ques. whether to help mag. or circulate Hist. Sketch - better to circulateAs Written:cir. Journal. Dr. Avery says - Swartz has applied to him for financial aid. for his magEditorial Note: The Mind Cure and Science of Life (later renamed Mental Science Magazine). - it will only reach a certain class & will die if let alone, Miss Brown related how he sent a woman to her to say, "she (Miss Brown) is a noble woman, but mistaken about him (Swartz) he was grieved that Mrs. Eddy would not exchange - but, he should not be allowed to say he took 8 lessons. Mrs Eddy was pleased with the articles in TribuneEditorial Note: Chicago Tribune & HeraldEditorial Note: Daily Herald. Miss Brown wrote, and procured free publication of, the articleAs Written:art. in TribEditorial Note: Chicago Tribune.
C. F. Morrill has lately violated the constitutionAs Written:cons, again. He and his child have been ill - sent for an M.D. for child & his wife which he neglected to state in his letter to youEditorial Note: See 563.59.030., I believe - sent for an M D. for himself
Miss Brown wrote to Mrs. Eddy concerning factsEditorial Note: See 163A.27.031., & Mrs. E- told her to take action in his expulsion, & withhold his certificate. B. Sherman, at Mr. Morrill’s As Written: Morrills request, moved to have the action postponed till next meeting. However, the constitutionAs Written:cons. ArticleAs Written:Art. 5. sectionAs Written:sec. 2, reads, that "Any member willfully As Written: wilfully violating the constitutionAs Written:cons" et ceteraAs Written:&c shall be considered as self-suspended” et ceteraAs Written:&c – “until such time as the AssociationAs Written:Asso - may take special action in his case". Some discussion.
Miss Brown says, the standing of causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. in Chi.Editorial Note: Chicago, Illinois must first be considered. SomeoneAs Written:Some one thought accused member should have a hearing - but constitutionAs Written:cons- reads - "a memberAs Written:mem- may be expelled without notification." ArticleAs Written:Art. 5. sectionAs Written:sec. 1. It was thought courtesy to take a vote upon this motion - motion secondedAs Written:sec, that we wait.
R. Sherman is disposed to be rigid & yet just to the accused & asks what we lose by waiting Miss Brown replies, that it will give thus a margin to disobey & then be given time to reconsider, that the subject must be looked at in all its bearings without personal feelings.
Mr. Wickersham & Mrs. Beach fear present action would harm him in his present excitable condition.
Miss Brown remarks it is not for her to decide, only to defend the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science., that to take action is paramount in justice to all outside & that there is nothing in scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science to preclude fullest justice to all, & yet not encourage any violation that he is self-suspended, but can repent & come back in time.
Dr. Avery spoke a few words in favor of motion, which was carried by majority. Mrs. Noyes remarks, our constitutionAs Written:cons. is peculiar to our causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. & intended to stop any disaffection by prompt action - indeed we could have no better laws.
R. Sherman explains that by our present action no record of suspension will be made in the secretary'sAs Written:sec book - but that in reality he is self-suspended.
B. Sherman remarks that he was accused once & would have been expelled if he had not had a hearing.
Dr. Avery there says harmony is the strength of all AssociationsAs Written:Assoc.; he feels as though he had placed himself in a false light in regard to the admission of his students. He said he thought that the Bos- Asso. could say who were eligible for membershipAs Written:mem. here. he then quoted what Mrs. Eddy said to him in a letter last DecemberAs Written:Dec. to take in membersAs Written:mem. even if they have not been taught by her & correct their mistakes - but that since then none but students of Mrs. Eddy's normal class could come in. He then read a letter from Mrs. Eddy, in which she called a special meeting & obtained the permission of Bos. Asso. to admit Dr. A's students, but by same mail writes to Miss Brown that it is for us to decide. Dr. A. then read a letter to Miss Brown (which he said was posted & returned to him) in which he desires frankness, honesty, & plain dealing, & does not wish to intrude. Miss Brown says it is not for her to decide but unfortunately she has to see to enforcement of constitutionAs Written:cons. No action taken - Mrs. Beach says - she cannot come every time & cannot afford fine - motion to fine absent members annulled.
Mrs. Noyes has a student, Mrs. DayEditorial Note: Possibly Orrilla W. Day, who has gone out west to practice. she desires the Asso.Editorial Note: The Christian Scientist Association of Chicago was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts. to give Mrs. DayEditorial Note: Possibly Orrilla W. Day a letter signed by Pres. & Sec. stating that she is a student of Mrs. Noyes - of Mrs. Eddy's normal class & a membersAs Written:mem- in good standing in Asso. of Chi-Editorial Note: The Christian Scientist Association of Chicago was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts. Discussion whether to limit the letter to one yearAs Written:yr. or not: The letter was not limited - Her request was granted.
Mrs. Beach asks help for her husband - bilious colicEditorial Note: Biliary Colic.
Mental work done -
1st el. ArticleAs Written:Art. 2. sectionAs Written:sec. 2 read Mr. Wickersham will leave in a few days for ColoradoAs Written:Col- making two membersAs Written:mem- that have left to practice in the west. The Asso.Editorial Note: The Christian Scientist Association of Chicago was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts. wishes them God - speed.
AdjournedAs Written:Adj. to Sept. 3 -
Mrs. Eddy - Do you wish more than a synopsis. I do not want to trouble you with too lengthy records -
P.S. Do not think I do not like to write out the full records - for I want to send whatever you wish –