I send the following report of meeting held July 2, 1885As Written:'85.
Regular meeting of the C. S. A. of ChicagoEditorial Note: The Christian Scientist Association of Chicago was a branch of the C.S.A in Boston, Massachusetts., held at the rooms of Mrs. Philbrick & Miss Beecher. Thurs. July 2, at 4.25 P.M. PresidentAs Written:Pres. Brown in chair 12 membersAs Written:mem. out of 17 present.
Minutes of previous meeting read & accepted.
The sec. wrote, as directed, for latest BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts constitution As Written: constition of C. S. A. & receivedAs Written:rec'd word that it would be sent soon.
A letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. from Mrs. Eddy to the sec - was read, desiring us to keep our names clear before the public, & separate from those who would mix truth with error &, to Answer Swartz accusation of plagiarism, on Mrs. E's part, in all the leading newspapers.
Miss Brown then said she had receivedAs Written:rec'd a letter from Mrs. EddyEditorial Note: See L10997., of the same substance as the one just read. Miss Brown had already answered Mrs. Eddy that Swartz was a spiritualist & his magazineEditorial Note: This is a reference to a monthly periodical published by A. J. Swarts titled The Mind Cure and Science of Life (later renamed Mental Science Magazine). was only read by spiritualists, & not by those who understood scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, that we could only stop him, when we stopped spiritualism, which we could not do at once; but that we would do all we could.
Miss Brown then spoke of her personal experience with Swartz; he used her name as a reference in Battle Creek, MichiganAs Written:Mich after she had cured several there & she denied to the people there his claim as a scientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientist. The sec. then read a little article written by the editor of the ball of Battle Creek stating that his wife had been cured by Swartz.
At Battle Creek, where Mrs. Eddy & ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science is well thought of & recognized by the people, Mr. Swartz will endorse Mrs E. & the scientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientist & pretend to be one of them. He is all things to all men.I Cor 9:22 To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.
Mrs. Swartz has lately taken an office in EvanstonEditorial Note: Evanston, Illinois, & advertises the "mind-cure."
The articleAs Written:art. "None genuine except Mrs. Eddy" in the Sunday HeraldEditorial Note: Daily Herald June 28, was read by sec.
More talk about Swartz.
Two articlesAs Written:art. in "Mind in Nature"Editorial Note: This was a periodical being published at the time by the Cosmic Publishing Company in Chicago, Illinois. Its full title was Mind in Nature: A Popular Journal of Psychical, Medical, and Scientific Information. well spoken of; one by Rev. Mr. Slade & the other by Mr. Waterman answering Miss Alcott & others.
Discussion of best way to perform Mrs. Eddy's request.
Miss Brown did not write the articlesAs Written:art. but procured the publishing of the articlesAs Written:art. in HeraldEditorial Note: Daily Herald free.
It was left to Miss Brown to have another articlesAs Written:art. written & published in some papers
Dr. R. Sherman informed the meeting that he considered himself as much to blame for the discussion of faith cure as Mr. Morrill
Miss Brown had requested Mr. Morrill not to discuss faith cure & theology, but he had disobeyed.
After some discussion, it was moved & sec. to fine tardy men 25¢Editorial Note: $0.25 in 1885 is the equivalent of $6.65 in 2020.. carried.
Miss Brown then gave the. meeting some instructions in regard to malicious mes. and several minutes were devoted to mental works
Moved & sce. absent membersAs Written:mem. be fined 25¢Editorial Note: $0.25 in 1885 is the equivalent of $6.65 in 2020. carried.
B. Sherman proposes:
Mrs. Philbrick proposes:
Mr. Jas Whitehead.
Mrs. Noyes proposes Mrs. Bartlett's student: Mrs. Berenice H. Goodall.
Report of cases; questionAs Written:ques & answerAs Written:ans
Miss Brown asks Mrs. Cacke how she is getting along - she is not doing much now.
Mrs. Goodall will be admitted if endorsed by Mrs Eddy as a student.
Miss Brown asks: can two scientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists treat the same patient alternately & scientifically.
Roger Sherman thinks it would not be production of best result.
B. Sherman thinks the sum of the truth presented by each would take effect. He does not see any objection - he & his wife have done so.
Miss Brown then explains that mal. mes. is like a mob attacking one person - that you have to force the mob back & sometimes have to have help to do so, then turn to the person attacked & calm his fears; she then repeated what Mrs. Eddy says; that the only way for two to treat one patient is for one to treat the practitioner & the practitioner treat the patient. she mentioned, that Jesus sent not his disciples two by two.
Mrs. Noyes gave her opinion that no one could take one of her patients satisfactorily, because they would not know at what point to take up the treatment, whether chemEditorial Note: “Chemicalization" is a term Mary Baker Eddy used to refer to a temporary stirring up of symptoms or process of “fermentation” as errors of various types are being destroyed., mals mes, or disease.
Miss Brown has circulated 3500 "Defenses of C. S." since last meeting at her own expense. She wants help in the expense of distributing "Hist. Sketch." Remark; "This is better than an answer to Swartz."
It was remarked that so many who had the booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy while taking treatment, were continually asking questionsAs Written:ques; & yet they want to hold on to matter; Miss Brown tells them she is not paid to teach them but to heal - it is hard enough to teach anyway - when paid.
Miss Brown, Mrs. Philbrick & Mrs. Noyes are of the opinion that a patient does not get along as well to have the bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, until healed; some patients are much more receptive of truth than others.
Miss Brown spoke of two cases, of hers, which were hindered; one, a lady by a constant fear & horror of meeting a certain mesmerist she saw when young, who by just looking at a person would bring that individual to him. Another, a man, was very much troubled over a son who had been expelled from college -
When these thoughts had been destroyed, the cases advanced, all right.
Roger Sherman remarked, how a patient will be driven by the treatment to tell remote causes, without being questioned. Mrs. Philbrick told a case of hers, where a young lady told her, without a question being asked, of her grandmother over in Germany being bewitched this being the remote cause of a trouble which the young lady had; she has improved ever since.
1st. cl. art. 2. Sec. 2. read & meeting adjournedAs Written:adj. to Aug. 6 -
Mrs. Philbrick & I would like to study the normal course with you next fall; when will your class open? We shall certainly come, if possible. & if our, means permit.