Henry Slade
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Henry Slade (?-?) was born and died in an unknown location. He was an itinerant Universalist minister who preached in parts of Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin. He was a student of Mary Baker Eddy's, studying with her in May 1884. It's unclear when Slade left the Christian Science movement, but there is no record of him joining the Christian Scientist Association or uniting with the Church of Christ (Scientist).

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Henry Slade
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Henry Slade (?-?) was born and died in an unknown location. He was an itinerant Universalist minister who preached in parts of Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin. He was a student of Mary Baker Eddy's, studying with her in May 1884. It's unclear when Slade left the Christian Science movement, but there is no record of him joining the Christian Scientist Association or uniting with the Church of Christ (Scientist).

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