You do not know how much you distressed me by neglecting to write me as I had so strongly impressed you with my wishes that you would let me hear from you every mail, what can have induced you to neglect me so?-
Your Brother Samuel came up last Saturday As Written: saturday but is obliged to return today as he has a lawsuit pending which calls for his presence - he is very greatly changed in his appearance for the better, has left Mr. Parker's Meeting and attends regularly the Baptist Church on Park St.- has resolved, to pursue As Written: persue a new course of life - has left all of his profanity and other disagreeable practices- and in fact has the appearance of a Christian We attended Mr Curtice's Meeting last Sunday As Written: sunday and he preached two of his searching practical sermons and Samuel expressed great interest in them thinks as you and I do that Mr Curtice is one of the best of men - Saml seems pleased to talk on relig [?] Unclear or illegible with a very different feeling manifested from what I have ever seen in him before, in fact he does not appear at all like the same Man- I was struck and so was Abi with the change before he told of it all that rough almost rudeness in his manners has given place to a sober gentlemanly turn which makes him the dignified brother which you and I so much admire and there is nothing in him apparent that we could wish changed unless it be the removal of a shade of melancholy or sadness which seems to pervade him I felt anxious to have him go up to see you but he said he should be glad to but had not the time to now
I took the Impression for three teeth on gold plate of young Jeremiah Tilton yesterday- price $20,00Editorial Note: $20.00 in 1857 is the equivalent of $594.97 in 2020. - Evening I have filled and enough todayAs Written:to day for this same man to come to five dollarsEditorial Note: $5.00 in 1857 is the equivalent of $148.74 in 2020.,- his mother called this afternoon to have me look at her teeth that she has cracked them some she enquired very kindly after you and invited me very politely to call at their house I also met Col CateEditorial Note: Asa P. Cate he gave me a very polite invitation call over at his house I have extracted the teeth for an upper set for Mrs. Saml Rogers- But I will apologize for the first of this letter I have now received yoursEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. and feel relieved in some measure from the anxiety which distressed me - But now please do not by all means keep one of those grapes for me as I am not Particularly fond of them and also they will not keep so eat them up and write me how they taste- and he has got a very few more and perhaps As Written: perhap I can coax him to send you another bunch by and by- but still I do not know as I can- have you heard from [?] Unclear or illegible I forgot to tell hall to send it down and have not heard whether it came or not I have had my watch repaired and it runs finely- I do not know as I shall be able to get you anything to send you tomorrow There is nothing new that I know of- Wed'y MorningAs Written:Morn, I had been out ransacking the village to try to find something for you and in the box you will find the plunder I hope it will find your poor sick appetite and shake it hard till it wakes it up and sets it going in good earnest so that when I get home I may find you a good "Freemonter"- I cannot find a "Book box" in the village It is very warm here and the snow is running As Written: runing away with all the legs it has got it seems to shy away as if it was ashamed to be seen by the eye of day and when compelled to confront its piercing gaze it Blanches as white as the ghost of the murdered past its white hands go up imploringly while its dreamy eyelashes droop in agony as it falls into a melting Mood and the pearly tears or flow stream down its sunken cheeks as if its "Head were waters and its eyes a Fountain of Tears"Jer 9:1 Oh that my head were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people! but still its unrelenting antagonist keeps his unwinking eye fixed with an impudent stare full in the face of the young and fascinated As Written: facinated maiden whose shrinking form gives unmistakable As Written: unmistakeable evidence that she will soon be annihilated unless she can call to her aid either some dark KnightAs Written:K-night or some BoreasEditorial Note: Boreas was the Greek god of the north wind and bringer of winter. to give him a black eye blow it out
I do not now think I can get through here this week but be of good courage I will not be away long Give [?] Unclear or illegible and an Apple and an orange and a fig to sister Julia tell her that her brother called here once but I was not in and have not seen any of her folks yet; if you think of anything you want me to get send me word She is making arrangement about your wrapping As Written: wraping gown and you will get it in due time- that fogg that used to work for Mr TiltonEditorial Note: Possibly Alexander Hamilton Tilton has been dead some time and Mr Wallace died night before last is to buried As Written: buryed today George's wife has been in just gone out she says she made arrangements last fall to go up and stay with you awhileAs Written:a while- but George S. did not go away as she had expected and consequently she could not go to you seems very unhappy about her situation, says she will go to keeping house on her own hook soon if nothing new takes place- but I have written a murderously long letter and will close with a long embrace imaginary it is True but still I think I feel it together with the warm kiss of unwavering love-
P.S. I cannotAs Written:can not spend time to read all this over and you must correct it
North Groton
New HampshireAs Written:N. H.