Accession: L11150
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy and Abigail A. Baker to Martha Pillsbury, March 5, 1848
Author: Mary Baker Eddy  Abigail A. Baker 
Recipient: Martha Pillsbury 
Date: March 5, 1848
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy and Abigail A. Baker on unlined paper from Tilton, New Hampshire.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dearest Sis Martha,

Your most excellent letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. had its warm welcome last week, and should have been answered the very day I received it but that I was sick with a cold - from which I am recovering and able to attend Church todayAs Written:to day. - Am now alone, and thought has moistened my eye as I sit at the old familiar table, while all around me are reading - Saw my little Geo.) and - "the last of the MohicansAs Written:Mohecans"- I turn to thee to stay my wandering Nancy; almost happy in the consciousness that I have a Sister who thinks of me and loves me too;- thoughAs Written:tho tis long since last we parted, and surely dear Martha, Life has passed. With me but simply since I saw thee last. Why you do not get my letters, and receive Abis- is mysterious to me.. I wrote you immediately after receiving yourAs Written:yr last letter to her, and as you requested, told you every particular relative to my visit at BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts. Which I regret since you did not get the letter, as an individual was spoken of that visits the Capital in the shape of Representative So in this letter I shall confine my pen to family rehearsals As Written: rehersals mostly; promising myself in May or June we shall meet Martha and Ell - with a torrent of screams resembling some semi-savagesAs Written:semisavages. For how in this world shall I express my joy any better. Oh! Mat, to see the three beautiful children meet and gaze in wonder, half comprehending the past in dim perspective; impelled by instinct to love each other, while their little hearts assimilate to the ties of consanguinity - must it not give to the Mothers' hearts a joy which can only thrill that deeper tone at the fount of all feeling Yes indeed, - Abi and I seldom meet without mentioning it. I hope you will be able in your next letter to state the time we may expect you. I am again on the billow of my moonless sea, waiting for a gale more friendly, or a surge of sorrow, to steer my course for the ensuing summer. I feel as if I must begin something this summer. if my health is sufficient. I am weary working my way through life from the middle to the end. I want to learn to play on a piano so that I can go south and teach. Tis all I shall ever be able to do, and this once accomplished and I am independent. Miss. Helen Ladd has graduated at VermontAs Written:Vt. in music and has returned here to teach The Dr. has purchased her piano and O! how I wish I had a father that had been ever willing to let me know something. Tis vain I expect for me try now Still I shall do something next Summer, what I know not. I shall not marry anyoneAs Written:any one I know at present - the future however may do better by me in this respect. Oh! Martha, I wish it were prudent for me to tell you all about my meeting with Briard while at Boston! but won't As Written: wont say anythingAs Written:any thing, unless I can all,- except, that he wept like a child! would you believe it? yes, I feel since I was there, somewhat, only on a different subject like Old Simeon, "Now let thy servant depart in peace"Luke 2:25 And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him. Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. Luke 2:27 And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law, Luke 2:28 Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said, Luke 2:29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word: Luke 2:30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, Luke 2:31 Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; Luke 2:32 A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel. ) You was aware Geo. left home last Oct. - He has been in Boston recently while Miss. Rand was there but did not come here, I was glad of it for several reasons thoughAs Written:tho I should been glad to see him. Miss. Rand is a favorite of mine. She is a very sweet girl you would say after getting acquainted. In the last, but one, letter I had from Geo. he mentioned something that made me laugh with joy. That he had been applied, to and had the refusal of a Wardenship (similar to Capt. Pilsbury's) at Brooklyn New YorkAs Written:N.Y. and if he don't As Written: dont accept (which I hope he won'tAs Written:wont) with the help of Capt. Amos can doubtless secure it for dear Luther Oh dear Mat. how I hope this may be. My heart aches for you and Luther both, to be separated as you have been; besides I know how to sympathize with all the sons and daughters As Written: dughters of poverty or distress! and then I know what it is to be sick and alone from home; and last thoughAs Written:tho' not least, what it is to feel completely unhappy at home But I hope to be able to take care of myself again sometime at least by the help of friends. And this my dear Mat- you seem- only waiting for an opportunity to bestow. God bless you for such kindness to the Widow and fatherlessJames 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. . My tears are falling on my cheeks as I say it; but Martha I am weary of this world, it has no joy for me, let others be happy - and let me pass alone to the silent chambers of the grave - I don't know what to write of newsAs Written:newes, as I so seldom go out - and Geo being gone, I hear nothing; have spent but one week with Sis this winter. There has been some sleigh ridingAs Written:ridding - and because of the license of Leap Year I and Miss. Lane the SeminaryAs Written:Sem. Teacher and Miss. Rand invited our Driver and took a ride to Concord! after driving, returned to LondonEditorial Note: New London, New Hampshire; supped, then came home; had a real spree with ourselves no Gents. Made the driver (Sleeper) foot the bill and laugh at the joke What do you think of this? wasn't it genteel

The railroadAs Written:rail road gets on slow; expect it here next Summer About my ring; do just as you think best, only be as careful of it as you have been; and if not sold bring it on with you — and when I see you will talk about your As Written: you kind invite to go back with you— You mentioned Valentines As Written: Valentin I received. two beautiful ones You will be astonished to see the style Mr. Tilton lives in! the handsomest house and furniture in the Village. I helped him select his furniture in Boston Little Geo is very good and very naughty, not subject to any judicious discipline He loves you and Nell most dearly. I think he will remember you when he sees you; he identifies Nell with every little girl he sees; kiss her a thousand times for us both. Mum, wants very much to see you both; as do we all. The remainder I leave to Mother– Please give much love bro. Luther from his ever-attachedAs Written:ever attached Sister; be sure that he comes with you and Nell

Ever YourAs Written:Yr. loving & faithful Sis,

My Dearly Beloved Child

Have you forgotten that you have a Mother your long absence and my neglect of writing you must almost think me silent in the Grave but dear Martha you have a mother and one that loves you affectionately and rejoicesAs Written:rejoice's to hear that your health is improving had I known of your suffering last Summer I should flew to your relief As Written: releif if possible but dear Child the distance seems to me great and the changesAs Written:change's trials & disappointments As Written: disappoints that I have passedAs Written:pass'd through since we parted are many but now Martha we are enjoying many Blessings for we have life and tolerable health and a competency As Written: competancy of everythingAs Written:every thing and appetites to enjoy it Dear Martha when shall we see you; you speak of coming next summer we long to see you and want you to stay as long as you can be contented DearAs Written:Dr Martha I hope under all your trials you will remember that trials and afflictions awaited our Dear SaiviourEditorial Note: Jesus Christ in this Life but afterwards he became Exalted may this be your happy case is the earnest desire of your ever Affectionate As Written: Affecionate Mother,

Abigail A. Baker

Your Father joins with me in sending much love to you and your Dear Husband we anticipate As Written: anticapate seeing him with you Give dear Ellen a boxfullAs Written:box full of kisses for Valentines As Written: Valintine and tell her I expect to see a little lady when I see her next summer

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dearest Sis Martha,

Your most excellent letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. had its warm welcome last week, and should have been answered the very day I received it but that I was sick with a cold - of from which I am recovering and able to attend Church to dayCorrected:today. - Am now alone, and thought has moistened my eye as I sit at the old familiar table, while all around me are reading - Saw my little Geo.) and - "the last of the MohecansCorrected:Mohicans"- I turn to thee to stay my wandering Nancy; almost happy in the consciousness that I have a Sister who thinks of me and loves me too;- thoExpanded:though tis long since last we parted, and surely dear Martha, Life has passed. With me but simply since I saw thee last. Why you do not get my letters, and receive Abis- is mysterious to me.. I wrote you immediately after receiving yrExpanded:your last letter to her, and as you requested, told you every particular relative to my visit at BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts. Which I regret since you did not get the letter, as an individual was spoken of that visits the Capital in the shape of Representative So in this letter I shall confine my pen to family rehersals Corrected: rehearsals mostly; promising myself in May or June we shall meet Martha and Ell - with a torrent of screams resembling some semisavagesCorrected:semi-savages. For how in this world shall I express my joy any better. Oh! Mat, to see the three beautiful children meet and gaze in wonder, half comprehending the past in dim perspective; impelled by instinct to love each other, while their little hearts assimilate to the ties of consanguinity - must it not give to the Mothers' hearts a joy which can only th [?] Unclear or illegible rill that deeper tone at the fount of all feeling Yes indeed, - Abi and I seldom meet without mentioning it. I hope you will be able in your next letter to state the time we may expect you. I am again on the billow of my moonless sea, waiting for a gale more friendly, or a surge of sorrow, to steer my course for the ensuing summer. I feel as if I must begin something this summer. if my health is sufficient. I am weary working my way through life from the middle to the end. I want to learn to play on a piano so that I can go south and teach. Tis all I shall ever be able to do, and this once accomplished and I am independent. Miss. Helen Ladd has graduated at Vt.Expanded:Vermont in music and has returned here to teach The Dr. has purchased her pinano and O! how I wish I had a father that had been ever willing to let me know something. Tis vain I expect for me try now Still I shall do something next Summer, what I know not. I shall not marry any oneCorrected:anyone I know at present - the future however may do better by me in this respect. Oh! Martha, I wish it were prudent for me to tell you all about my meeting with Briard while at Boston! but wont Corrected: won't say any thingCorrected:anything, unless I can all,- except, that he wept like a child! would you believe it? yes, I feel since I was there, somewhat, only on a different subject like Old Simeon, "Now let thy servant depart in peace"Luke 2:25 And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him. Luke 2:26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. Luke 2:27 And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law, Luke 2:28 Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said, Luke 2:29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word: Luke 2:30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, Luke 2:31 Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; Luke 2:32 A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel. ) You was aware Geo. left home last Oct. - He has been in Boston recently while Miss. Rand was there but did not come here, I was glad of it for several reasons thoExpanded:though I should been glad to see him. Miss. Rand is a favorite of mine. She is a very sweet girl you would say after getting acquainted. In the last, but one, letter I had from Geo. he mentioned something that made me laugh with joy. That he had been applied, to and had the refusal of a Wardenship (similar to Capt. Pilsbury's) at Brooklyn N.Y.Expanded:New York and if he dont Corrected: don't accept (which I hope he wontCorrected:won't) with the help of Capt. Amos can doubtless secure it for dear Luther Oh dear Mat. how I hope this may be. My heart aches for you and Luther both, to be separated as you have been; besides I know how to sympathize with all the sons and dughters Corrected: daughters of poverty or distress! and then I know what it is to be sick and alone from home; and last tho'Expanded:though not least, what it is to feel completely unhappy at home But I hope to be able to take care of myself again sometime at least by the help of friends. And this my dear Mat- you see [?] Unclear or illegible m- only waiting for an opportunity to bestow. God bless you for such kindness to the Widow and fatherlessJames 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. . My tears are falling on my cheeks as I say it; but Martha I am weary of this world, it has no joy for me, let others be happy - and let me pass alone to the silent chambers of the grave - I don't know what to write of newesCorrected:news, as I so seldom go out - and Geo being gone, I hear nothing; have spent but one week with Sis this winter. There has been some sleigh riddingCorrected:riding - and because of the license of Leap Year I and Miss. Lane the Sem.Expanded:Seminary Teacher and Miss. Rand invited our Driver and took a ride to Concord! after driv [?] Unclear or illegible ing, returned to LondonEditorial Note: New London, New Hampshire; supped, then came home; had a real spree with ourselves no Gents. Made the driver (Sleeper) foot the bill and laugh at the joke What do you think of this? wasn't it genteel

The rail roadCorrected:railroad gets on slow; expect it here next Summer About my ring; do just as you think best, only be as careful of it as you have been; and if not sold bring it on with you — and when I see you will talk about you Corrected: your kind invite to go back with you— You mentioned Valentin Corrected: Valentines I received. two beautiful ones You will be astonished to see the style Mr. Tilton lives in! the handsomest house and furniture in the Village. I helped him select his furniture in Boston Little Geo is very good and very naughty, not subject to any judicious discipline He loves you and Nell most dearly. I think he will remember you when he sees you; he identifies Nell with every little girl he sees; kiss her a thousand times for us both. Mum, wants very much to see you both; as do we all. The remainder I leave to Mother– Please give much love bro. Luther from his ever attachedCorrected:ever-attached Sister; be sure that he comes with you and Nell

Ever Yr.Expanded:Your loving & faithf [?] Unclear or illegible ul Sis,

My Dearly Beloved Child

Have you forgotten that you have a Mother your long absence and my neglect of writing you must almost think me silent in the Grave but d [?] Unclear or illegible ear Martha you have a mother and one that loves you affectionately and rejoice'sCorrected:rejoices to hear that your health is improving had I known of your suffering last Summer I should flew to your releif Corrected: relief if possible but dear Child the distance seems to me great and the change'sCorrected:changes trials & disappoints Corrected: disappointments that I have gpass'dExpanded:passed through since we parted are many but now Martha we are enjoying many Blessings for we have life and tolerable health and a competancy Corrected: competency of every thingCorrected:everything and appetites to enjoy it Dear Martha when shall we see you; you speak of coming next summer we long to see you and hope want you to stay as long as you can be contented DrExpanded:Dear Martha I hope under all your trials you will remember that trials and afflictions awaited our Dear SaiviourEditorial Note: Jesus Christ in this Life but afterwards he bec [?] Unclear or illegible ame Exalted may this be your happy case is the earnest desire of your ever Affecionate Corrected: Affectionate Mother,

Abigail A. Baker

Your Father joins with me in siending mu [?] Unclear or illegible ch love to you and your Dear Husband we anticapate Corrected: anticipate seeing him with you Give dear Ellen a box fullCorrected:boxfull of kisses for Valintine Corrected: Valentines and tell her I expect to see a little lady when I see her next summer

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Sanbornton Bridge became Tilton, New Hampshire, in 1869. This letter is not extant. Boston, Massachusetts New London, New Hampshire Jesus Christ