Having recently completed the Primary course of Christian Science with one of your former pupils I am desirous of knowing what time in the Autumn your Normal Class commences and what are the terms? I am not Sure that I will be able to join your Autumn Class but would like very much to do so. Rev O. P. Gifford & wife who I have recently entertained kindly offered to make all enquiries for me but as they are now absent from the City thought it more advisable to write direct to you.
You will also pardon me I trust for making another enquiry– a few weeks previous to my going through the class already referred to As Written: too I took treatment of the same Metaphysician for some three weeks (having been ill for a year with a belief of Catarrh of the Stomach & bowels, Dyspepsia, et ceteraAs Written:&c and having received treatment from eight different physicians with no benefit) from this Metaphysician I have been benefitted but since completing the course I have a belief of cough & expectorating for two months I have received a number of treatments for same but still it remains You will excuse me for asking you if chemicilizationEditorial Note: “Chemicalization” is a term Mary Baker Eddy used to refer to a temporary stirring up of symptoms or process of “fermentation” as errors of various types are being destroyed. could cause it? I have the belief of losing flesh and as my husband is not in sympathy with Christian Science. I have no one who can offer an encouraging word.
# 2031 Prairie Ave
Chicago Ill