⇉ Handshift:Amanda M. SmithProvincetownEditorial Note: Provincetown, Massachusetts Jan 21 – 1886
I called to see you last summer but you did not receive callers. I saw a gentleman of whom I bought "Science and Health"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Have read them through, some parts many times. I told this gentleman (who I presume is Mr. Cross,) your Agent, of being at Dr. Ingersells Faith Cure, Corning New YorkAs Written:N. Y, 11 years since, a few weeks.– that his ideas are similar to yours in many respects. Faith in Christ to heal - conversion - does not believe in the prayer of words- but to set with bent head, to give up As Written: wp will, to become passive, so one may be taught, increase in Faith - cured of disease.– Does not believe in Spiritualism, Mediums et ceteraAs Written:&c He had then been in this teaching 17 years. I think him a good man, a Christian. I told Mr. Cross, that if I were to be treated should want one of the best – he then gave me a card, H. P. Bailey
,Hotel Bowdoin,
My only daughterEditorial Note: Julia S. Cook lives in York Nebraska 50 miles west of Lincoln. She is 42 years old. "For two or three years she has been troubled about walking, can't As Written: cant exercise much. Two months since she went to ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois to see some noted M. D. She went to Dr. Byforce who is the best authority ( Allopath) on such diseases, he said her trouble was a thickening of the back walls of the womb, and thought after "the change of life"Editorial Note: menopause she would be better. It is something pretty difficult to get at- has to be cured by absorption. She takes a teaspoonfulAs Written:tea spoon full of medicineAs Written:med. after each meal & hot water injections." I copy this from her letter.
I wrote if she had pain? "Some pain in the right side and in right ovary- also my right side bloats some." She has had bad sick headachesAs Written:head aches most of her life, sometimes last two days- She is married has had one child 15 years old. I do not have faith in Allopathy. I want her to be treated by a Christian ScientistAs Written:C. Scientist. Would you Mrs. Eddy recommend Mr. Bailey as the best you know to treat one distant? Do you have Specialists? Any of your As Written: you students in Chicago, or any part of the West nearer you would recommend? This idea of Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. is my idea not hers, though As Written: tho I do not think she would object. Neither she nor I have much money- but I want her to be helped. What the most reasonable terms for absent treatment? Would it be best for Mrs. Cook (my daughter)Editorial Note: Julia S. Cook to give up the medicineAs Written:medicene, hot injections et ceteraAs Written:&c? I am writing too long, but if Mr. Bailey is the right one then you might mail this to him. So I need not write again until I hear from him.
I am thinking quite seriously of joining your class to learn the art of healing I have some of that gift. How I would like to be wiser in Christian Science!! What are your lowest terms? When does your class begin?
P. S. Will you please send me Jan NumberAs Written:No. of your monthly paper I do not think of the name.