May 11 1885
I have seen your book “Science & Health”Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy advertised As Written: advertized but don’t As Written: dont really understand its workings. Will you please give me a little information — My mother in law has been an invalid now most three years. "Nervous prostration" & now my wife is just getting out after a three week run of “low bilious fever” the Dr. said she has no ambition to do anythingAs Written:any thing only think of herself. Of course is not strong but cannot get her mind on anythingAs Written:any thing but herself — has been with her mother most all the three years she was sick & probably is influenced more or less by her. Both she & her mother very afraid of almost everything. Will not eat such a thing don’t agree with en et ceteraAs Written:&c. Afraid it is too hot or too cold et ceteraAs Written:&c. et ceteraAs Written:&c. ad infinitum. Do you think your BookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy would be of any use in our familys.