acknowledgedAs Written:ack’gd Aug 24
⇉ Handshift:Caroline D. NoyesAug 15 - 1885.
I beg that you will not get a mistaken idea from Mrs Lathrops letter asking you to give her the Normal Course. for she never got that from me. and she would not have written to you in that way, only that my letter was delayed in reaching her where I told her she would have to take the first course with you - and I never gave her to understand when she studied with me that the case would be otherwise - she studied with me this Spring and has done some very good work - Now in regard to her finances she is poor and if you ever make a reduction greater than you offer in your Journal I wish that you would in her case I never shall ask you this for any Student of mine or for anyoneAs Written:any one whom I may recommendAs Written:reccommend unless I know positively As Written: positivily that they have not got the means. for I know so well that it is worth it to them - The young Lady that she will bring with her Miss Long and who she has healed is able to pay being quite well off I understand -
We Normal Students have a rule that for anyone who wants to Study alone and will not wait for someoneAs Written:some one to study with them they are to pay two hundred dollarsEditorial Note: $200.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $5,271.29 in 2019. but if they wait for someoneAs Written:some one else they have their instruction for one hundred dollarsEditorial Note: $100.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $2,635.64 in 2019. we find it works well. and besides we did not want to cheapen the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, it makes them willing to wait until we get another, Mrs Lathrop was a single Student with me and she paid me one hundred dollarsEditorial Note: $100.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $2,635.64 in 2019. and gave me her note for one hundred. I wrote her that if she would go to Boston that I would cancel the note for her but otherwise I would not I thought she could do so much better after studying with you, for She is acquainted with Mrs Coursen and Mrs Coursen was mad because she came to me to study instead of her, and that has given the Mal. Ps. a Chance to know of her I have treated her some against Mal and she has done very well, But this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science is well advertised in FreeportEditorial Note: Freeport, Illinois as I have done some phenomenal work there. and my reputation is great in that place, Mrs Lathrop was my Patient but I never treated her but a very little, she seemed cured, but she has complained a little to me since - She is a very nice Woman but too wordy. that is her chief fault, The Miss Long I have heard was a very nice Lady so you need not hesitate to take her - Unless you can make a reduction in Mrs Lathrop’s As Written: Lathrops case I do not think she can go I think it would be an impossibility -
There is a Lady Boarding in the House with me from Denver, she is having treatment of Dr Sherman, I am treating her two DaughtersEditorial Note: Minnie B. Hall DeSoto and Mildred N. Hall., they seem wealthy People She is not healed yet, She asked Dr Sherman to Teach her and he would not because she was not healed, then she came to me and for the same reason I would not, It is Lameness As Written: Lamness but she is gaining rapidly- her name is Hall if she comes to you it will be through Dr Sherman –
My landlady'sAs Written:Land Ladies Mother wants to Study with me is very anxious and when Mrs Hall got well she thought that she and Mrs Hall would take the course together but if Mrs Hall goes to you Mrs Dunn the Old Lady (she is fifty-sevenAs Written:fifty seven) will be disappointed As Written: dissapointed for she will have to As Written: too wait until I get another Student. for I know she cannot afford to go to you, but it seems that she has got a hundred dollarsEditorial Note: $100.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $2,635.64 in 2019. for me, she is a very nice good woman, and think a great deal of your BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, Before I came here to Board Dr R Sherman, healed her Daughter - the landladyAs Written:Land Lady - it was a great cure for she was lying at the point of death, and she has never had any relapse -
Since I wrote you last I have made the greatest sacrifice that I have ever made yet in the matter of Self renunciation I will not say what it is but I know it is the greatest but I will say no more I do not want to boast or flatter myself too much, I sent you a letter last week with a check for thirty dollarsEditorial Note: $30.00 is the equivalent of $790.69 in 2019. I would like to hear if you received As Written: receive it –
I suppose you have heard from Miss Bradshaw by this time I have not heard lately in her last letter she said that she could not get to Boston on a two weeks’ As Written: weeks notice it would be necessary for her to have longer - I believe this is all today with much Love -)