Ella Long, later known as Ella L. Dench, (1860-1933) was born and died in
Freeport, Illinois. She became interested in Christian Science through Laura V. Lathrop
and then studied with Mary Baker Eddy, taking the Primary (1885) and Normal (1888)
classes. She joined the Christian Scientist Association on September 1, 1886, and on
July 6, 1895, she joined The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston,
Massachusetts, and was a member until her passing. Dench was a Christian Science
practitioner and teacher and was listed in the directory of
Christian Science Journal from 1890 until 1897, in Providence, Rhode Island.
In about 1900, she returned to Freeport, and although she was not listed in the
Journal, she remained a practicing Christian Scientist.
See more letters.