Accession: 158A.26.003
Editorial Title: Annie M. Knott to Mary Baker Eddy, September 7, 1886
Author: Annie M. Knott 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: September 7, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Annie M. Knott on unlined paper from Detroit, Michigan.
Editorial Note: Annie M. Knott uses “ad” as shorthand for “and” throughout this letter.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mrs Eddy

I have just this morning received As Written: recieved a letter from Mrs A. M. Otis relating to joining your September class. Here it may be proper to introduce myself as Mrs Knott C.S. a student of Mr B. Sherman of ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois. I have been in Detroit for over eighteen months, and with Miss S. J. Clark had the great honor of bringing Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. healing to Detroit.

Mrs Otis is the widow of a Methodist Minister a woman of refinement and education as well as honesty and integrity.

Thrown in the midst of malpractitioners and evildoersAs Written:evil doers she has maintained an allegiance to Truth, and a loyalty and devotion to yourself as a leader which are admirable. Her success in healing has been great. She writes me that she has written to you asking permission to enter the Sept. class. Not having had any reply, I fancy her letter, or possibly the reply must have miscarried. She is waiting anxiously and eagerly for your reply, and has I know worked hard to save the money necessary for a course of instruction, and will I feel sure rejoice the heart of her teacher.

We are now meeting with great encouragement in our work, and were delighted to see our Leader's face in the package of the new books which came yesterday.

Hoping that the day is not far distant when I too shall hear from your lips the "words of this Life"Acts 5:20 Go, stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life.

I am with great respect yours As Written: your's in the Truth
Annie M. Knott

Revd M. B. G. Eddy

BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mrs Eddy

I have just this morning recieved Corrected: received a letter from Mrs A. M. Otis relating to joining your September class. Here it may be proper to introduce myself as Mrs Knott C.S. a student of Mr B. Sherman of ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois. I have been in Detroit for over eighteen months, and with Miss S. J. Clark had the great honor of bringing C. S.Expanded:Christian Science healing to Detroit.

Mrs Otis is the widow of a Methodist Minister a woman of refinement and education as well as honesty and integrity.

Thrown in the midst of malpractitioners and evil doersCorrected:evildoers she has maintained an allegiance to Truth, and a loyalty and devotion to yourself as a leader which are admirable. Her success in healing has been great. She writes me that she has written to you asking permission to enter the Sept. class. Not having had any reply, I fancy her letter, or possibly the reply must have miscarried. She is waiting anxiously and eagerly for your reply, and has I know worked hard to save the money necessary for a course of instruction, and will I feel sure rejoice the heart of her teacher.

We are now meeting with great encouragement in our work, and were delighted to see our lLeader's face in the packagse of the new books which came yesterday.

Hoping that the day is not far distant when I too shall hear from your lips the "words of this Life"Acts 5:20 Go, stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life.

I am with great respect your's Corrected: yours in the Truth
Annie M. Knott

Revd M. B. G. Eddy

BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts

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Chicago, Illinois Boston, Massachusetts