March 1st 1891
The revised edition of your BookEditorial Note: The fiftieth edition of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy was published in January 1891. It is considered to be a major revision of the book., is a revelation of Mother love – Thank you Thank you! Mrs Ruth. B. Ewing spent The day with me yesterday, and was a great comfort to me - I hear occasionally from the members of Mr Days church through others - and that they are working out their problem with Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and the Bible, at home, which I think is the fact, for with a few exceptions I see none of them at Kimball Hall – Mrs Ewing conducted the services there last sunday- and it was beautiful Brother Eastman from New york city was there and spoke after the reading, to the congregation - in commendation of the whole service. As for myself and daughter we are working in the waifs mission and news boys' home. You are allowed to teach ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science there without hindrance– to any extent The matron of the home is a student I taught last summer and her demonstrations over the turbulent element she has to deal with is wonderful We are very harmonious in our family relations, but never talk scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science– Try to live it. Mrs Ewing, said she had written to you about giving away the old Edition I had thought of that before she came and somehowAs Written:some how it came to me not to do so, but to give only these clearer revelations. If you get time to answer this, tell me will you!
My husband joins in Love to you
Always in Love of th Truth