Accession: 060A.17.008
Editorial Title: George B. Day to Mary Baker Eddy, August 24, 1886
Author: George B. Day 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: August 24, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by George B. Day on embossed lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
Related Versions: L14724Click link to view L14724 document in new window, L14725Click link to view L14725 document in new window
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Mrs Eddy

Let me thank you for your last kind favors. You encourage me very much, But when I reflect how many letters you have to write I hesitate to drop you a line for fear of adding to the burden of your duties..

I shall consider it a pleasure to contribute to the Journal as soon as circumstances will allow. I will subscribe immediately for 5 copies for distribution Mrs Day unites with me in the expression of great gratitude for your magnanimous offer respecting Normal instruction. We will avail ourselves of it only in the hope that we may Sometime repay the debt.

Our church flourishes. The attendance is good and the interest considerable. The Truth must prevail.

There are a number of Hitches in our attempts to launch the College. We would not have adopted this pretentious name were it not that "Institute" had been already preempted.

On Saturday last Miss Brown Mrs Adams Mrs Webster and Mrs Day met at our office and in the absence of Mr Noyes Mrs Bell and Mrs Larminie and others agreed to meet again on Monday following at Miss Brown's As Written: Browns and settle matters. But on Sunday a Note from Miss Brown was laid on the pulpit in which she declines to have anythingAs Written:any thing more to do with the college than to give it a friendly endorsement. Mr Sherman sr and I think Roger will cooperate with us eventually.

There is but little doubt the Institution will get upon its feet this fall, and will be instrumental in much good.

We hope next week to send you a prospectus and an advertisement for the Journal

Mr Sawyer was with us a week ago Sunday. In conversation with him I learned as much as I could of your wishes as expressed to him, and am endeavoring to carry them into effect. If we blunder do not hesitate to correct us promptly.

I enclose my check for $35.Editorial Note: $35.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $1,134.53 in 2023. in payment of the BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy which came yesterday, and for 5 copies of the Journal which may be sent to my address Room 17 133 LaSalle st


If the check is not sufficient, (I have not received Bill) please let Mr Frye notify me and I will straighten it.

Yours in ChristianAs Written:C. Truth
Geo. B Day
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Mrs Eddy

Let me thank you for your last kind favors. You encourage me very much, But when I reflect how many letters you have to write I hesitate to drop you a line for fear of adding to the burden of your duties..

I shall consider it a pleasure to contribute to the Journal as soon as circumstances will allow. I will subscribe immediately for 5 copies for distribution Mrs Day unites with me in the expression of great gratitude for your magnanimous offer respecting Normal instruction. We will avail ourselves of it only in the hope that we may Sometime repay the debt.

Our church flourishes. The attendance is good and the interest considerable. The Truth must prevail.

There are a number of Hitches in our attempts to launch the College. We would not have adopted this pretentious name were it not that "Institute" had been already preempted.

On Saturday last Miss Brown Mrs Adams Mrs Webster and Mrs Day met at our office and in the absence of Mr Noyes Mrs Bell and Mrs Larminie and others agreed to meet again on Monday following at Miss Browns Corrected: Brown's and settle matters. But on Sunday a Note from Miss Brown was laid on the pulpit in which she declines to have any thingCorrected:anything more to do with the college than to give it a friendly endorsement. Mr Sherman sr and I think think Roger will cooperate with us eventually.

There is but little doubt the Institution will get upon its feet this fall, and will be instrumental in much good.

We hope next week to send you a prospectus and an advertisement for the Journal

Mr Sawyer was with us a week ago Sunday. In conversation with him I learned as much as I could of your wishes as expressed to him, and am endeavoring to carry them into effect. If we blunder do not hesitate to correct us promptly.

I enclose my check for $35.Editorial Note: $35.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $1,134.53 in 2023. in payment of the BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy which came yesterday, and for 5 copies of the Journal which may be sent to my address Room 17 133 LaSalle st


If the check is not sufficient, (I have not received Bill) please let Mr Frye notify me and I will straighten it.

Yours in C.Expanded:Christian Truth
Geo. B Day
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Chicago, Illinois $35.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $1,134.53 in 2023. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy