Mrs Crosse
⇉ Handshift:Calvin A. FryeBostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts, May 10. 1888
If you was opposed to the letter or article reported for the Globe and Herald, why did you not write to me or come and see me first, and tell me what you thought, and then I would have shown you my authority for believing it would not injure Mrs. Cornor, and would do great good. Or if you could have shown me to the contrary I would have done as you thought best. For the past year malicious mesmerism. has been driving wedges between me and you and your husband. I have twice saved you from turning against me at their beck, without the least cause, by opening your eyes to the facts in the case. When you came to ask me to transfer all the right to handle the Magazine. that Mr. Bradley had, into your hands, you said this must be kept secret. I did just as I thought you required me to do, and the first thing I heard was that you had said I wanted you to take our Journal out of Mr. Bradley's hands and make you the business manager. That offended Mr Bradley with me, you both had been my students, and of course I had to explain to Mr Bradley then how it was or he would think I was acting underhanded. Now nobody but you and I knew of how you had planned it to take the Journal into your hands, and I can make oath that I never named it until it was told that I wanted you to take it. When the fact was I had never thought of such a thing until you asked me to help you to do that, and for kind motives on your part to help the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science..
So to make Mr Bradley feel less offended I told him that I did not think you wished to take it out of his hands any more than out of mine, as it would look to me after what he told me that a certain person had asked him to help take away my right to keep the Journal from publishing wrong articles. The scriptures say "if thou hast aught against thy brother tell him of it."Matt 18:15 ¶Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. Matt 18:16 But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. Matt 18:17 And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican. The constitution of the C. S. A. requires this. My conscience demands me to do it, and I have always practiced it. with my studentts. Why do you turn away from doing this and give me no chance to let you know the facts as they are, and not as they are told, or as they may seem to you under the fire of malicious mes.
Every student that has wronged me beyond words to tell has always taken this stand not to tell me how they feel, or what they think I am doing but to keep silent and keep away from me. The mesmerists who are trying to ruin my student's success know that if they go openly into the atmosphere of my thought they will so see and feel the good there, it will keep them from death always felt and from hating me and misrepresenting me, which is a moral death to all who do this. Hence the mesmeric law, "do not tell her anything that you think, and keep away from her." covers this point and carries it.
The student who obeys this secret influence builds on sand. Their enemies know this, hence their determined effort to separate me from my students and stop their progress. We cannotAs Written:can not do to others as we would not be done by and progress in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. Would you like to have me cherish the sense of you, that you was doing wrong, and not tell you of it nor give you a chance to hear your own defense As Written: defence and tell things as they have occurredAs Written:occured.
The Bible forbids this and I have often said that the whole cause of the disaster through the evil influence constantly at work against me and all true scientist lies in not telling first thy brother his fault; and even refusing to hear him? [*]Archival Note: A metamark that looks like an X appears at this point in the manuscript.
I have your name on my list to enter my next class of Obstetrics . I wanted you more than any other member for my last class, but you were not in a condition to learn, then but Mrs Eddy regarded it more a species of monomaniaAs Written:monamonia. I intend to graduate a class next Autumn, and never for a moment thought that you above all others would not be the one to graduate and help on this Cause. You have stood firm and done much for it, until torture weakened your sense of faith in the right. I taught your husband on purpose to help you, for I knew that when you began to be conspicuous in the Cause, the mesmerists would try to kill you and separate us. I had hoped he would help you not to fall a victim to either of those errors.) [*]Archival Note: The following text has been crossed out. I have asked him to give me an opportunityAs Written:oppertunity of conversing with him here or at his home. I know if he gave me this I could show him my heart, but he has not answered my letter. Have I deserved this from him? (The secret lies talked to you both are not enough. The ones who are lying to you mentally are getting lies about me into your ears audibly. Everything that I have said I will own, but I have never said a thing in my life for the purpose of injuring you or him and this is enough.- [*]Archival Note: End crossed out text. I have been victimized by mesmerists and the Cause held back long enough! My students must stop abusing me, or they will at length put the whole Cause into the hands of their worst enemies, and think to conciliate them by abusing me. But God is not mocked.Gal 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. this can never be done; they will fall before their enemies, who try this. The last stab is for those actors to tell you that I make you sick, as well as put you down. The truth is I cannot make you sick, myself, and as God is my witness I never asked anyoneAs Written:any one to take you up, only to help you to get well, and now I have given up doing this, or advising you, for every time I have tried it you have been led to think they did not help you. [*]Archival Note: The following text has been crossed out. All I have left me to do now is to bear this cruel treatment from you, and never speak with you again, (unless you allow me to see you) and so let Choate, Hopkins. and Gill triumph over you and carry you blind into their nets. [*]Archival Note: End crossed out text. Will you, can you with all you have seen of just such history, do this? [*]Archival Note: The following text has been crossed out. Will you not break this spell of error, and wake to see that I want to leave this Cause in good hands, and in your hands, and see you honest and prospered in it. See too that [*]Archival Note: End crossed out text. What I have complained of in my letters you would know is just, if only the scales should fall from your eyes. May I see you?
[*]Archival Note: The following text has been crossed out. N. B. I did not know that you or your husband absolutely opposed the report As Written: roport of the Committee on Publication until after it was printed. Mr. Mason only said that you said it would injure the Cause. But this did not move me, for I knew that it would not do this, and my intuitions in this line are far beyond [*]Archival Note: End crossed out text. those of other people'sAs Written:peoples. And they prove true as in this case. Mr. Mason and Mrs. Woodbury never told me of the strenuous measures your husband took nor that you would not sign the resolutions, until after they were published. If they had done this, which it was their duty to do, before aught had been published, I should have changed the article to suit you. After Mrs. Woodbury informed me of your feelings, I did change the article so far as to defend Mrs. C. just as much as it was possible to do, and do right.
Again M. B. G. Eddy.
⇉ Handshift:Mary Baker EddyNumberAs Written:No 2
⇉ Handshift:Calvin A. FryeA true copy attest