Your sad letterEditorial Note: See Howard’s letter to Mary Baker Eddy, dated July 30, 1880 (284.42.007). was the last ounce. [*]Gap: entire paragraph.Reason: illegible. But do not for a moment think your letter caused us trouble no, no! it was only a drop to the ocean. The revenge for what is done out there is visited upon us here. The first thing I should recommend now would be to feel no discouragement about your ability to heal, because you have just put your hand in the lion’s mouthEditorial Note: There are various proverbs in American and other cultures that revolve around having one’s hand in a lion’s mouth. and felt his bite.Discretion is always the better part of valorEditorial Note: A version of this well-known proverb, indicating that appropriate caution should accompany bravery, can be found in Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part I, Act 5, Scene 3, lines 3085-3086.. But dear one you did right for you it would have been wrong for an older student. Edward J. Arens never did what he said about meeting and overcoming error he joined hands with it.
But we are gaining, growing, O! how fast in the furnaceEditorial Note: There are numerous passages in the Bible regarding the refining process wherein “dross” is removed from silver and gold in a refiner’s furnace. Christians came to view this as a metaphor for spiritual growth. and he poor fellow is losing all.
Now my brother in bonds and afflictionsActs 20:22 And now, behold, I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there: Acts 20:23 Save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions abide me. Acts 20:24 But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God. The best I know how to do at present is to offer you the only assistance in my power viz. Our upper tenement in Lynn will be vacant the first of Sept It has seven rooms -- Now we shall have to occupy 2 rooms the front parlor and the chamber over it and alcove. You may have the back parlor – I would gladly give you the front one but that would mix us; as it is stated we could be as separate as if we were in two houses. Your entrance would be on the side of the house under a portico and vines. Now you can have a parlor 2 sleeping rooms and a kitchen on the first floor of the upper tenement and a wash room in the basement, and no land-lord to call upon you for rent – until you can do better You want time to ripen and look about or money to go away with and start alone. I have but one of those alternatives at my command, by the arrangement named you could get time; but will your optical business require you to go into the city every day? if not that would be an advantage. There is an early and late train that goes into Boston for ten cents. We thought we should return to Lynn in Sept and keep house alone do our own work because we cant start elsewhere until my bookEditorial Note: This is a reference to the third edition of Mary Baker Eddy’s book, Science and Health, which was published in two volumes on August 17, 1881. is printed and my Printer that has done some of it, cant touch it again until until Sept We should only be an expense to stay here and do nothing. Now please go and look at the house 8 Broad St. Lynn occupied now by two brothers, names, Lewis and see the rooms and then have them when the upper tenant leaves if you like The only thing we should have to stipulate for is a dinner once a day on cold victuals taken at the back yard or at your table as you like. Now “Ike”Editorial Note: “Ike” was James C. Howard’s nickname. tell me what you think. One thing is sure we should be a “happy family” for your wife is good, and you are not very bad, and the baby is the best of you all Cheer up! God works in a mysterious way His wonders to performEditorial Note: Although this sentence is sometimes mistakenly thought to be found in the Bible, it is actually derived from a hymn by William Cowper (1731-1880). The first verse reads: God moves in a mysterious way / His wonders to perform; / He plants His footsteps in the sea / And rides upon the storm.. Write me at once if you accept our proposal. You will say Lynn and its surroundings are the finest in summer the world affords and the Christian Scientists are in Lynn. Now you have a home offered you and no rent to pay for it so do not be cast down I thank God more for this than anything that I have a shelter if it is humble to go to in an hour of want and to welcome these who need a little time to meet the hour Love from husband
Your envelope was all open except the eighth of an inch did you send it so? Be careful they are watching the P. O.
About the Charter, I am not anxious either way, do as you please. I have not much faith in its being any advantage as we are situated