Won’t As Written: Wont you put this notice in as an advertisement As Written: advertisment at once to the B HeraldEditorial Note: Boston Herald and Banner of LightEditorial Note: The Banner of Light was an American spiritualist periodical, published between 1857 and 1907.
DrEditorial Note: Edward J. Arens did not have a medical degree, but in the nineteenth century, persons practicing various “healing arts” were often called “Doctor.” Edward J. Arens has been expelled from the Christian Scientist Association for alleged immoralityEditorial Note: Eddy’s use of the term “immorality” during this period could refer, not only to sexual immorality, but to any serious unethical or “unchristian” behavior.
Please copy and go to treasurer or rather call on Miss Rawson of Lynn for funds
Don’t delay
N. B.Editorial Note: Nota Bene Have it in a conspicuous As Written: conspicous place