Dear Student
I write to inform you D.H. Spofford will no longer publish my work Science and Health having forfeited this right through breech of contract in three of its most important obligations
He wrote requesting me a few weeks since to make a new agreement with him for the publishing of said book but which I declined of course A few of the books that are unsold he left here but without committing to my charge but which I hear he has since charged to me
I hope he has paid you and Mr. Barry the surplus funds he has taken He has not paid me my percentage and refuses to print the next edition of the bookEditorial Note: The second edition of Science and Health. or to account for the money he has taken from the sale of the copies you sold him The expenditures for publishing were not necessarily large he told me last summer that the other students sold most of the books and that advertising or any other agency was of no avail He was boarding in my house most of the time after he assumed to publish the book until he went into practice the last of the last winter and I am familiar with certain facts in the case that as yet I have not made public well knowing it would crush him at once
The estimate has been made fairly that his receipts from the sale of this first edition over and above all expenditures would print the second edition and he has told me the practice of one student would in one year sell an edition of one thousand copies without any expense but their 25 per cent for selling and he is in practice and could have sold without even this discount
The sale of the first thousand copies was effected in about a year and a half In June last he reported the books all sold and a great demand for more
Badly as it was printed and bound the book has so far proved a complete success and you know the point is won when it is fairly introduced I only regret that those who paid for the first edition should not have reaped the benefit of that and of other editions The aid the book has been to those in practice is seen in this that so many are writing me how it enables them to heal themselves without any farther aid
If Spofford had printed and published the next edition I should have made him pay me 25 per cent first because God helps me to know what is right in the case and He will adjust the balances at last The years of unremitting As Written: unremetting toil and sacrifice it cost to bring forward this book have all been mine while the blessing it brings is shared alone by others
Money can never pay for such experiences but methinks a little gratitude and no villainy connected with Christian Science would have been a more fitting tribute to me and to you; Don't you think so Lizzie
I have no special desire at present for the next edition of Science and Health to be issued for if the highest code of morals ever named and such as have characterized all my teachings and practice only helps those who do not mean to do right to assume the garb of religion only to cover foul dishonesty let the priceless pearlMatt 13:45 ¶Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Matt 13:46 Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. await a growth in humanity I can of the wicked work and let our faith and hope say that God will reward us for the good we have done
He did just as he pleased with the book seldom if ever asked my advice and I seldom gave any knowing this When I called for his monthly report according to agreement he put me off and never returned one from Feb until the autumn M B G.