Accession: A10213B
Editorial Title: Statement Regarding the Passing of Asa Gilbert Eddy
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Scribe: unknown 
Date: 1882 - archivist estimate
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by an unknown scribe and signed by Mary Baker Eddy.
Related Versions: A10213AClick link to view A10213A document in new window
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

The violent death of Mr. Asa G. Eddy.

The conflicting statements as to the lamented death of Mr. Eddy arise from the following causes. The duty of those who would warn the public and do justice to the dead the efforts of the criminals to hide their crimes and the ignorance of nearly every one as to the important fact of the power of mind to commit unseen that fatal act. It has been reported in some of our leading papers, [*]Gap: sentence.Reason: erasure. too of mesmerism that if he could stop a man's As Written: mans breath, stop the action of his heart and kill him through this subtle agency. Here is a claim of ability to affect As Written: effect the functions and organism of the heart. The individuals who committed this crime have studied with us the power of mind to do good (and to) destroy disease, but they have traduced and reversed this power in order to rule or ruin, and are daily telling their patients that mind can and does produce all disease As Written: disiase and death, while at the same time they smile at the incredulity on this subject and find in it an opportunity to commit their atrocities As Written: attrosities . In 1878 Edward J. Arens prosecuted As Written: prossecuted a mental mal-practitioner for his attempts through mesmerism on the life of a lady in Ipswich, Mass. and it was then claimed that I was the cause of his doing it when I can prove by many individuals including the ladyEditorial Note: Lucretia S. Brown. See 099.21.009 and 099.21.010 for letters in which Brown confirms that Mary Baker Eddy objected to Edward J. Arens bringing a suit for mental malpractice against Daniel H. Spofford. herself that I strongly objected to his doing so, hoping as I then did that the evil would stop before this sad necessity was urged upon us. The very ones who have stricken down one of the best men that ever lived we have fed, sheltered, and aided, loaning to them hundreds of dollars which they have never paid as we can prove. Medical Examiner Draper has been interviewed by gentlemen to whom he owned that he made no examination of the body sufficient to warrant As Written: warrent an opinion as to the cause of the death of Mr. Eddy. He told me that he did not believe one could be killed by a mental process of inducing disease, hence his opinion was based on his dis-belief in the mental cause instead of any physical evidence in the case. The autopsy was made by two medical doctors,Editorial Note: Charles J. Eastman and Rufus K. Noyes professors in a Homeopathic College,Editorial Note: Bellevue Medical College one of whom examined Mr. Eddy during his sickness and certifies, in writing, that he had every symptom of arsenical poisoning but no trace of material poison was found on the body. There were no evidences of disease found at the Autopsy that, according to our best medical authority, cannot be produced by arsenical poisoning. A few months since Mr. Eddy was urged to aid his favorite As Written: favorate cause of temperance by joining an order in Lynn but having conscientious scruples about life policies which the order demanded he requested their medical examiner to report, if he could, some imperfection which would excuse him from procuring a life policy. The doctor accordingly reported that he had some unfavorable heart symptoms although he said to him at the time no harm would ever come of them. He never suffered from any heart difficulty before or since that time.

Mary B.G. Eddy

We the undersigned, Christian Scientists,Editorial Note: For the signatures of these Christian Scientists, see A10213A. being familiar with the circumstances of his death, & the relief he received through our mental methodEditorial Note: Christian Science treatment through prayer of antidoting a mesmeric method of poisoning understand that our noble martyred brother came to a violent death through a secret malicious mental malpractice.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

The violent death of Mr. Asa G. Eddy.

The conflicting statements as to the lamented death of Mr. Asa G. Eddy arise from the following causes. The duty of those who would warn the public and do justice to the dead the efforts of the criminals to hide their crimes and the ignorance of nearly every one as to the important fact of the power of mind to commit unseen that fatal act. It has been reported in some of our leading papers, [*]Gap: sentence.Reason: erasure. too of mesmerism that if he could stop a mans Corrected: man's breath, stop the action of his heart and kill him through this subtle agency. Here is a claim laid of ability to effect Corrected: affect the functions and organism of the heart. The individuals who committed this crime have studied with us the power of mind to do good (and to) destroy disease, but they have traduced and reversed this power in order to rule or ruin, and are daily telling their patients that mind can and does produce all disiase Corrected: disease and death, while at the same time they smile at the incredulity on this subject and find in it an opportunity to commit their attrosities Corrected: atrocities . In 1878 Edward J. Arens prossecuted Corrected: prosecuted a mental mal-practitioner for his attempts through mesmerism on the life of a lady in Ipswich, Mass. and it was then claimed that I was the cause of his doing it when I can prove by many individuals including the ladyEditorial Note: Lucretia S. Brown. See 099.21.009 and 099.21.010 for letters in which Brown confirms that Mary Baker Eddy objected to Edward J. Arens bringing a suit for mental malpractice against Daniel H. Spofford. herself that I strongly objected to his doing so, hoping as I then did that the evil would stop before this sad necessity was urged upon us. The very ones who have stricken down one of the best men that ever lived we have fed, sheltered, and aided, loaning to them hundreds of dollars which they have never paid as we can prove. Medical Examiner Draper has been interviewed by gentlemen to whom he owned that he made no examination of the body sufficient to warrent Corrected: warrant an opinion as to the cause of the death of Mr. Eddy. He told me that he did not believe one could be killed by a mental process of inducing disease, hence his opinion was based on his dis-belief in the mental cause instead of any physical evidence in the case. The autopsy was made by two medical doctors,Editorial Note: Charles J. Eastman and Rufus K. Noyes professors in an Homeopathic College,Editorial Note: Bellevue Medical College one of whom examined Mr. Eddy during his sickness and certifies, in writing, that he had every symptom of arsenical poisoning but no trace of material poison was found on the body. There were no evidences of disease found at the Autopsy that, according to our best medical authority, cannot be produced by arsenical poisoning. A few months since Mr. Eddy was urged to aid his favorate Corrected: favorite cause of temperance by joining an order in Lynn but having conscientious scruples about life policies which the order demanded he requested their medical examiner to report, if he could, some imperfection which would excuse him from procuring a life policy. The doctor accordingly reported that he had some unfavorable heart symptoms although he said to him at the time no harm would ever come of them. He never suffered from any heart difficulty before or since that time.

Mary B.G. Eddy

We the undersigned, Christian Scientists,Editorial Note: For the signatures of these Christian Scientists, see A10213A. being familiar with the circumstances of his death, & the relief he received through our mental methodEditorial Note: Christian Science treatment through prayer of antidoting a mesmeric method of poisoning we understand that our noble martyred brother came to a violent death through a secret malicious mental malpractice.

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Lucretia S. Brown. See 099.21.009 and 099.21.010 for letters in which Brown confirms that Mary Baker Eddy objected to Edward J. Arens bringing a suit for mental malpractice against Daniel H. Spofford. Charles J. Eastman and Rufus K. Noyes Bellevue Medical College For the signatures of these Christian Scientists, see A10213A. Christian Science treatment through prayer