Accession: 948.93.049
Editorial Title: Marrietta K. Morgan to Calvin A. Frye, October 19, 1886
Author: Marrietta K. Morgan 
Recipient: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: October 19, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Marrietta K. Morgan on lined paper from Neenah, Wisconsin.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I write you concerning the treatments of Christian Science. I have been suffering from chroic troubles peculiar to women, & of late have been treated by a Metaphysician or Christian Scientist, Mrs Alvord Townsend, who recommended me to write you.

For some reason the trouble still remains, in fact, for the last two weeks I have been feeling worse than when I commenced treatments I have taken, about eighteen.

She seems puzzled to solve what seems so discouraging. Still she says she knows I can be well. I feel too, that if I am ever well, it will be through this treatment, that is, through Christian Science.

I long & need so much to be well, & I should be so sorry to be obliged to say that it could not cure me,. or even acknowledge to myself,, & yet for a week past, I have had to just fight for my faith in it, for I seemed growing worse so fast, Such intense pain in my back, where the Uterus As Written: Uteras is tipped back & adhered, & in the Urethra & Bladder,

I have done just as she told me & gone about just as though I was well & tried to overcome the belief that there was pain,, but suffer intensely all the time, so that I am awakened from sleep, with it.

The granulation in & all around the Urethra, reaching out so as to surround & cover the orifice, is so plain to be seen, that, notwithstanding Mrs Townsend says "Now you will be well from this time" after treating me & I fall in with her & believe it too, till I am brought up by such pain & suffering As Written: sufferin in my Back, Bladder & Head that I am obliged to give up. When I read of the wonderful cures Mrs Eddy has performed, I get new encouragement & try again. Oh if she only could cure me.

Mrs Townsend said to me this morning, "Write to Mr Frye & ask him if he can give any hint, that will help along." So I write & if I have said more than is necessary & taken more of your time than I ought, do excuse me, but I thought you must know the circumstances in order to "give any helpful hint."

I asked if any fee must be enclosed but she said no.

I am very anxious about this, for I can ill afford to lose the expense of these treatments, & get no gain, for I am poor, & I can ill afford to lose the faith in Christian Science which I have been building up..

If you will acknowledge this I shall be so thankful.

Very truly.
Mrs S. B. Morgan
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I write you concerning the treatments of Christian Science. I have been suffering from chrocic troubles peculiar to women, & of late have been treated by a Metaphysician or Christian Secientist, Mrs Alvord Townsend, who recommended me to write you.

For some reason the trouble still remains, in fact, for the last two weeks I have been feeling worse than when I commenced treatments I have taken, about eighteen.

She seems puzzled to solve what seems so discouraging. Still she says she knows I can be well. I feel too, that if I am ever well, it will be through this treatment, that is, through Christian Science.

I long & need so much to be well, & I should be so sorry to be obliged to say that it could not cure me,. or even acknowledge to myself,, & yet for a week past, I have had to just fight for my faith in it, for I seemed growing worse fso fast, Such intense pain in my back, where the Uteras Corrected: Uterus is tipped back & adhered, & in the Urethra & Bladder,

I have done just as she told me & gone about just as though I was well & tried to overcome the belief that there was pain,, but suffer intensely all the time, so that I am awakened from sleep, with it.

The granulation in & all around the Urethra, reaching out so as to surround & cover the orifice, is so plain to be seen, that, notwithstanding Mrs Townsend says "Now you will be well from this time" after treating me & I fall in with her & believe it too, till I am brought up by such pain & sufferin Corrected: suffering in my bBack, Bladder & Head that I am obliged to give up. When I read of the wonderful cures Mrs Eddy has performed, I get new encouragement & try again. Oh if she only could cure me.

Mrs Townsend said to me this morning, "Write to Mr Frye & ask him if he can give any hint, that will help along." So I write & if I have said more than is necessary & taken more of your time than I ought, do excuse me, but I thought you must know the circumstances in order to "give any helpful hint."

I asked if any fee must be enclosed but she said no.

I am very anxious about this, for I calln ill afford to lose the expense of these treatments, & get no gain, for I am poor, & I can ill afford to lose the faith in Christian Science which I have been building up..

If you will acknowledge this I shall be so thankful.

Very truly.
Mrs S. B. Morgan
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