⇉ Handshift:Marie GastonDeadwood 1/13/85.
You will no doubt be surprised to see: a letter from this far away part of the world.
I have been afflicted with all “disease that flesh is heir to” including deafness, from childhood. I have been so determined to find something to cure me, that I have studied up everything As Written: every thing I could find.
About five years ago I found one of Mrs. M. G. Brown’s pamphlets on Metaphysical Discovery.
It done away with so much of the care that I had been giving the body, which was such a great relief. that I adopted it. & found I was improving. During all that time, I never failed to take a treatment everydayAs Written:every day, hoping against hope, that it would eventually As Written: eventualy cure me, (As I had long before given up all faith in Doctors). It was the straw held out to the drowning As Written: drownding man.
Last fall I was visiting in Chicago. My friends knowing of my grasping mind, told me about your books on Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy & advised me to get them, thinking I might get some good out of them. I did so, and as soon as I got home, commenced to study them. I can sincerely As Written: sincerly say I never read a book, or heard a doctrine preached, that has satisfied me, as you have.
You will know how much good it done me. When I tell you. that at the end of the second week I threw away my last straw (viz Metaphysical Discovery & have not used it since.
I have not explained M.DEditorial Note: Metaphysical Discovery by Mrs. M. G. Brown – because I thought you knew all about it. Mrs. Brown’s institute As Written: institue is 51 Bond street New York.
I am glad to be able to tell you that I am much better in more waysAs Written:way's than one. My hearing keeps coming & going. so felt that my faith was wavering. & kept think if I would write to you & see; a letter from you it would help me. & almost in spite of myselfAs Written:my self. I found I had commenced this letter. & right here would be a good place for an apology for the intrusion. for I know full well you must have much to do & many letters to answerAs Written:ans.
I have thought As Written: thouth so little of my Spiritual nature, thinking that would take care of itselfAs Written:its-self)
And spent so much thought & time taking care of the material body, that the roots are so deep down. it seems hard to get them all pulled out. & if I could have just a little help, it would help me a good deal.
I have loaned the booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy to some of my friends. & I never lose an opportunity to talk about Mind over matter. I feel as if everyoneAs Written:every one oughtAs Written:out to understand something about it. if it is only to help them as much as I have been, but I want to learn more. to not only benefit myself but those around, in fact that is the only Christianity I have ever been willing to acknowledge As Written: acknoledge
To do all the good we were capable of. I trust you will be kind enough to answer this poor excuse of a letter, & if you are not too much occupied As Written: occupyed it would be my great pleasure to write to you from time to time.
P.S. Enclosed please find stamps for four Pamphlets, two of each. Christian Healing & The Peoples God.