Oct. 26. 1886.
Mrs. L. L. Campbell from New York was here for three weeks treating people- and I became very much interested in the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science.
Pardon my boldness in writing you, but I wished to know if it were possible to learn the Science. and pay for it after practicingAs Written:practising? I am supporting myself and daughter as I was obliged to leave my husband nine years ago: he became addicted to the Opium habit and it was impossible for us to remain any longer with him.
I am at present keeping house for an old Gentleman whose wife is dead, and my daughter is attending the High School here, from which she expects to graduate next June. then I shall be at liberty, and would like so much to learn the Science not only for the remuneration but for the good I could do. If possible will you please answer and tell me if there is any way I can do so, also if a woman over Seventy can learn the Science? as one of that age is very anxious to do so I have just passed my forty-ninthAs Written:forty ninth birthday
I do not know where to address you, but think possibly this will reach you if sent to the College at BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts.
#45 Massey St.
Jefferson CountyAs Written:Jeff. Co.
N, Y.