On Saturday last I examined your house on Broad St Lynn.. Saw Mr. Keith he did not have much to say. As he had not seen the house since the tenant left, he gave me the keys and upon examination found it in fair order and well arranged for two families. in the matter of repairs the front door has a light glass broken needs painting outside, front entry would be better papered. and two or three ceilings whitewashed, one Kitchen & one or two rooms (back) papered. paint is in good order inside and out. the back gate is down and broken, these things being done will make the estate in good fair condition to let or sell. if it is your desire to let of course traps of sinks & water closet will have to be in good order. As the location is a good one And Standing on a prominent corner I do think you ought to get a fair price for either sale or rental I would if I was the owner have the front door done immediately as it hurts the appearance and to many its value very much.
I have hereby endeavored to give you a faithful As Written: faithfull account of the condition of the house, And wish I could give information about its value and rental, but that is safe to leave to your own good judgement and if there is anything that I can do to help to bring to you its true value. Will be done with pleasure by veryAs Written:vry -
Send notes from deed tell him to sell it