Accession: 688A.78.031
Editorial Title: John D. Lester to Mary Baker Eddy, December 18, 1885
Author: John D. Lester 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: December 18, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by John D. Lester on embossed lined paper from Eddyville, Kentucky.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs Mary Baker G Eddy
Boston MassachusettsAs Written:Mass
Dear Madam

Through the Kindness of a friend I have been enabled for a few weeks to read your Christian Science Journal. And through that means have learned of some of the wonderful cures Made by Your Mode of treatmentsEditorial Note: Christian Science. My object in writing You is for the relief of an unfortunate Brother who has been confirmed in an insane asylum for a number of years, from four Years of age to Manhood he has been affected with Epilepsy, which finallyAs Written:finaly rendered him dangerous, and he was placed in the asylum for safety to others. If you will exercise Your power on him You will bring from the heart of a sorrowing aged Mother her strongest love and Most earnest prayers. He is Now in the Western KentuckyAs Written:KY Insane asylum at Hopkinsville KentuckyAs Written:Ky Christian County. I have also been suffering greatly from Chronic Dysentery for near five Months. can't You do something for me?

I intend sending for your As Written: you Book science and healthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy the very first Money I get, strongly believing in its efficacyAs Written:eficacy My health has prevented me doing anythingAs Written:any thing in the way of work so long I now have a very little money for the support of Myself and family. Trusting soon to on My poor brother resting and with us

I am very Sincerely As Written: Cincerely Your friend,
Jno D. Lester


My Brother is a Good Christian, & Constant reader of the Bible. His name is William Champion Lester his age 32 Years

RespectfullyAs Written:Respt J D L

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs Mary Baker G Eddy
Boston MassExpanded:Massachusetts
Dear Madam

Through the Kindness of a friend I have been enabled for a few weeks to read your Christian Science Journal. And through that means have learned of some of the wonderful cures Made by Your Mode of treatmentsEditorial Note: Christian Science. My object in writing You is for the relief of an unfortunate Brother who has been confirmed in an insane asylum for a number of years, from four Years of age to Manhood he has been affected with Epilepsy, which finalyOriginal:finally rendered him dangerous, and he was placed in the asylum for safety to others. If you will exercise Your power on him You will bring from the heart of a sorrowing aged Mother her strongest love and Most earnest prayers. He is Now in the Western KYExpanded:Kentucky Insane asylum at Hopkinsville KyExpanded:Kentucky Christian County. I have also been suffering greatly from Chronic Dysentery for near five Months. can't You do something for me?

I intend sending for you Corrected: your Book science and healthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy the very first Money I get, strongly believing in its eficacyOriginal:efficacy My health has prevented me doing any thingCorrected:anything in the way of work so long I now have a very little money for the support of Myself and family. Trusting soon to on My poor brother resting and with us

I am very Cincerely Corrected: Sincerely Your friend,
Jno D. Lester


My Brother is a Good Christian, & Constant reader of the Bible. His name is William Champion Lester his age 32 Years

ResptExpanded:Respectfully J D L

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Christian Science Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy