Accession: 678A.76.016
Editorial Title: Lois L. Hodgkins to Mary Baker Eddy, September 17, 1886
Author: Lois L. Hodgkins 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: September 17, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Lois L. Hodgkins on embossed lined paper from Keene, New Hampshire.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Madam,

I have been informed of your cures when other Physicians failed, and my daughters has been presented to one of your number a Mrs Davidson of Wichita Kansas by my sister Mrs- S. D. Winslow of Townshend- VermontAs Written:Vt

I write to present the Case of my daughter who is 13 yrs old last Feb. Her blood is low–cold hands and feet cannotAs Written:can not walk far cannotAs Written:can not run & play like a strong child- Her bowels feel bad and wants to be supported pain in chest & heart & lung[*]Gap: letter.Reason: page cut. at times– also has chills. food distress her more or less feels as if raw, sore inside & bowels sore outsid[*]Gap: letter.Reason: page cut. as well as inside - has not had any monthly appearanc[*]Gap: letter.Reason: page cut. yet– is small of her age & thin of flesh. We took her to the salt water for a while this summer & it done her much good- only wish she could have remained longer, but it cost too much & could not.

I don't As Written: dont understand your method of treatment nor if there is to be any expens[*]Gap: letter.Reason: page cut. Please let me know, and if you think you can help her— we greatly desir[*]Gap: letter.Reason: page cut. her to grow well & strong.

Yours truly,
(Box 1188) Mrs. A. Hodgkins
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Madam,

I have been informed of your cures when other Physicians failed, and my daughters has been presented to one of your number a Mrs Davidson of Wichita Kansas by my sister Mrs- S. D. Winslow of Townshend- VtExpanded:Vermont

I write to present the Case of my daughter who is 13 yrs old last Feb. Her blood is low–cold hands and feet can notCorrected:cannot walk far can notCorrected:cannot run & play like a strong child- Her bowels feel bad arnd wants to be supported pain in chest & heart & lung[*]Gap: letter.Reason: page cut. at times– also has chills. food dristress her more or less feels as if raw, soare inside & bowels sore outsid[*]Gap: letter.Reason: page cut. as well as inside - has not had any monthly appearanc[*]Gap: letter.Reason: page cut. yet– is small of her age & thin of flesh. We took her to the salt water for a w [?] Unclear or illegible hile t [?] Unclear or illegible his [?] Unclear or illegible  summer & it done her much good- only wish she could have remained longer-, but it cost too much & could not.

I dont Corrected: don't understand your method of treatment nor if there is to be any expens[*]Gap: letter.Reason: page cut. Please let me know, and if you think you can help her— we greatly desir[*]Gap: letter.Reason: page cut. her to grow well & strong.

Yours truly,
(Box 1188) Mrs. A. Hodgkins
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