Accession: 671.73A.048
Editorial Title: Estella E. Gillin to Mary Baker Eddy, April 7, 1886
Author: Estella E. Gillin 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: April 7, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Estella E. Gillin on lined paper from Colorado Springs, Colorado.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs. Eddy:

I write you to know if I can take the Normal Course at your College now, as I have taken the first course of Dr. G. B. Wickersham; if not will you please write me immediately, when I can: I am demonstrating here very satisfactorily

What reduction will you make me as I am an indigent widow but so anxious to know your scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science well enough to teach as well as to heal.

Please write me what you can do in my case as I would like to start immediately, also can I get the course in Physical and Metaphysical Obstetrics. You will oblige me by letting me know immediately the particulars as to when I can come, at what price and what courses I can take.

Very Respectfully,
Yours in Truth,
Mrs. E. E. Gillin,
Colorado Springs As Written: Spring
#As Written:$106 North Tejon St. Col[*]Gap: letters.Reason: page rip.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs. Eddy:

I write you to know if I can take the Normal Course at your College now, as I have taken the first course of Dr. G. B. Wickersham; if not will you please write me immediately, when I can;: I am demonstrating here very satisfactorily

What reduction will you make me as I am an indigent widow but so anxious to know your scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science well enough to teach as well as to heal.

Please write me what you can do in my case as I would like to start immediately, also can I get the course in Physical and Metaphysical Obstetrics. You will oblige me by letting me know immediately the particulars as to when I can come, at what price and what courses I can take.

Very Respectfully,
Yours in Truth,
Mrs. E. E. Gillin,
Colorado Spring Corrected: Springs
$Corrected:#106 North Tejon St. Col[*]Gap: letters.Reason: page rip.
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