I have just returned from Jamestown New YorkAs Written:NY and while there met Mrs W W Robbins one of Your Students. I requested her to treat Mrs Gates and she has taken her case for one week we have now returned Home and Mrs Robbins was anxious to have us visit You in BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts Mrs Gates has been treated by Allopath As Written: Alapath Homeopath Magnetic & Clairvoyantly As Written: Claravointly has been a great Sufferer for Years and all the Physicians have failed As Written: faild to cure her Mrs R's As Written: Rs Treatment was very beneficial and I should be pleased to follow up this treatment if your Terms will allow me so to do as 15 Years has reduced cash on hand so as to all on only Moderate Expense I have stated. Mrs Gates's As Written: Gates improvement by said treatment to Friends here since our return and they are anxious to test Your treatment
In all cases must Your Patients be present when treated or can You Examine and treat patients 114 miles away Will You take Mrs Gates's As Written: Gates Case– if so at what price per month, must she come to Boston to see You
Direct As Written: Drict
Bellows Falls Vt