Accession: 639P3.65.027
Editorial Title: Unknown to Mary Baker Eddy, November 14, 1884
Author: Unknown 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: November 14, 1884
Manuscript Description: Incomplete letter, handwritten by unknown author from Whitewater, Wisconsin.
Archival Note: This letter includes notations in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeGet the booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and in there get her answerAs Written:ans.
AnsweredAs Written:Ans ‘d

Through the kindness of Rev. Mr Slade of this place, I have had access to your work “Science & Health”Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, I am greatly interested in what now seems to me a mystery, & with the little light I now possess, believe if you were but to speak the word, I should be healed.

I have several friends who have been healed in answer to “The prayer of Faith”, but I have never been able to grasp it in a way to be cured although I feel I am improved in general health, I have always felt there was a science in all this, & a something beyond me, & now God has shown it to me, & I believe there is a cure for me, coming from God, through some one of His servants, I have little idea to whom it is best to go for this help, I am sure you are the best if you would, & could give me the blessing, But if you cannotAs Written:can not, please direct me to the most skilled person in the science near me, I see it is very necessary to have a capable healer, for there must be many who claim to heal, who are not really skilled.

A few days ago I only knew of Dr & Mrs SawyerEditorial Note: Silas J. Sawyer and Jennie E. Sawyer of MilwaukeeEditorial Note: Milwaukee, Wisconsin fifty miles East of this place. I believe he is not teaching a class in the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. I have since heard of a Miss Brown, Mrs Sherman & Mrs Coursen in ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois. This last person Mr Slade is acquainted with, & he says she has had great success for the past year, & he considers her the most able person he ever met next to yourself. I have also heard of Mrs Sargent & Millage in Oconto WisconsinAs Written:Wis, & a Mrs Hill (I think) who travels about. I know some of these are your students. Please tell me who you would advise. I would like to be healed soon as possible for two reasons. It is difficult for me to be absent from home long, & I cannotAs Written:can not go to any great expense, & then the sooner I was healed, the greater praise to the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, & glory to God, the giver of all. There are many suffering ones here who would no doubt gladly avail themselves of this cure could they see me cured, & then there are those poorer than I am, who have suffered long, to whom if I only possessed the power I would freely give in the name of the MasterEditorial Note: Jesus Christ. Is there any anyone As Written: one very skilled you could recommend who would come here?

I will describe my case as well as I am able, & if you feel you can have mercy on & heal me I shall bless you forever. I have a lateral spinal curvature which commenced

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeGet the booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and in there get her ansExpanded:answer.
Ans ‘dExpanded:Answered

Through the kindness of Rev. Mr Slade of this place, I have had access to your work “Science & Health”Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, I am greatly interested in what now seems to me a mystery, & with the little light I now possess, believe if you were but to speak the word, I should be healed.

I have several friends who have been healed in answer to “The prayer of Faith”, but I have never been able to grasp it in a way to be cured although I feel I am improved in general health, I have always felt there was a science in all this, & a something beyond me, & now God has shown it to me, & I believe there is a cure for me, coming from God, through some one of His servants, I have little idea to whom it is best to go for this help, I am sure you are the best if you would, & could give me the blessing, But if you can notCorrected:cannot, please direct me to the most skilled person in the science near me, I see it is very necessary to have a capable healer, for there must be many who claim to heal, who are not really skilled.

A few days ago I only knew of Dr & Mrs SawyerEditorial Note: Silas J. Sawyer and Jennie E. Sawyer of MilwaukeeEditorial Note: Milwaukee, Wisconsin fifty miles East of this place. I believe he is not teaching a class in the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. I have since heard of a Miss Brown, Mrs Sherman & Mrs Coursen in ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois. This last person Mr Slade is acquainted with, & he says she has had great success for the past year, & he considers her the most able person he ever met next to yourself. I have also heard of Mrs Sargent & Millage in Oconto WisExpanded:Wisconsin, & a Mrs Hill (I think) who travels about. I know some of these are your students. Please tell me who you would advise. I would like to be healed soon as possible for two reasons. It is difficult for me to be absent from home long, & I can notCorrected:cannot go to any great expense, & then the sooner I was healed, the greater praise to the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, & glory to God, the giver of all. There are many suffering ones here who would no doubt gladly avail themselves of this cure could they see me cured, & then there are those poorer than I am, who have suffered long, to whom if I only possessed the power I would freely give in the name of the MasterEditorial Note: Jesus Christ. Is there any one Corrected: anyone very skilled you could recommend who would come here?

I will describe my case as well as I am able, & if you feel you can have mercy on & heal me I shall bless you forever. I have a lateral spinal curvature which commenced

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Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Silas J. Sawyer and Jennie E. Sawyer Christian Science Christian Science Jesus Christ Milwaukee, Wisconsin Chicago, Illinois