⇉ Handshift:Thomas SwartwoutCentral City ColoradoAs Written:Colo April 7 1885
Mrs Swartwout wishes me to write you and ask what you thought of absent treatment She commenced with Mrs Sherman before we left ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois, and absent treatment Since but gets no better - her complaint is a Sore Spot on her tongue As Written: tonge - Some like General Grant tongeEditorial Note: This is likely a reference to the throat cancer experienced by Ulysses S. Grant. - She has great faith in Christian Science for all it takes So long for treatments to affect As Written: efect her. She don’t As Written: dont want to give up. her tongue As Written: tonge Smarts like fire by Spills - She wishes me to say to you that She Saw your photograph at Mr Shermans, and She would really like one of them if you have one to Spare - I expect to close up my mining operations this Season and when I do I am a going to learn everything there is in Christian Science if I can learn it - Kind Regards to Mrs. Crosse & Dr Frye my Wife Sends love - I do hope and pray for success in Christian Science for I do think it is the nearest the truth of anything I know - I am a lover and seeker As Written: seaker of truth.