I ReceivedAs Written:Rec your very As Written: vary welcome As Written: welcom letter of Nov 6Editorial Note: This letter is not extant. I also ReceivedAs Written:Rec the BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy & Paper I am very As Written: vary much interested in the perusal As Written: perusel of them although I don't As Written: dont get much time to read but little at a time. I find that it is going As Written: agoing to require all attention to learn the whole thing. consequently As Written: concequentely it may be some time before I will be ready to join your class I regret very As Written: vary much that I cannot join it now but I want to have all other business As Written: buisness off my mind then As Written: them I think I can learn it without much difficultyAs Written:dificulty, in the meantimeAs Written:mean time I will read the booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and by that means I will be better prepared to go through with my lessons when I do undertake it- the means I expected to have to carry me through with it this winter I had to give a year's As Written: years extension As Written: extention on it I have mining interests As Written: intrests here that I am going As Written: agoing to put in the markets. So how long it will be before I get these matters off my mind I can't As Written: cant tell, but there is one thing sure when I do learn I shall learn of you. I want to be perfect in it when I do go into it– I am truly thankful that I have lived to see the day that I think I can learn more fully the Doctorings of Christ I have been a professed As Written: profesed follower of Christ for many years but I confess I never was satisfied with the understanding I had of it I hope I may more fully understand it by the time I get through with your lessons. I think you are a doing a great good to the world and mankindAs Written:man kind— and I feel as though everyoneAs Written:every one ought to help it along May God bless you in your work is my prayer ––
I have heard that there is two Ladies in ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois said to be your students by the name of Brown & Noyse I saw it in the Chicago papers –– I shall be pleased to hear from you at any time convenient
My Wife went to Chicago about a month ago and I expect to go soon to stay a short time that is our home has been for many years, or EnglewoodEditorial Note: Englewood, Illinois that is 6 miles out we call As Written: cull it Chicago