Accession: 563.59.030
Editorial Title: C. F. Morrill to Mary Baker Eddy, August 11, 1885
Author: C. F. Morrill 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: August 11, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by C. F. Morrill on his printed stationery from Chicago, Illinois.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Prof. M. B. G. Eddy
PresidentAs Written:Pres. Mass. Metaphysical College
Boston MassachusettsAs Written:Mass.
Dear Madam:

After many nights of broken rest on July 15th at 8 P.M. as I was seeking a little rest before another night of watching with my child that the faithful mother could have a little rest the belief of chill (severe) and then fever came like a flash, so sudden was it. Fever and chills are new in my experience. I had treatment at once by one who has studied hard and mingled constantly with your approved students. Whose failures have been few and successes many and as wonderful as any done in Chicago leaving out Cancer, Tumor & Paralysis which she has not had a case of one of her cases you reported in Journal. The belief of nausea began Thursday, a.m. and was terrible up to the 19th Monday As Written: monday eve. On Friday As Written: friday a.m. Bro. Wickersham took up the opposition earnestly.

I was growing worse in belief continually on Sat a.m. (I will stop here to say I have all my life been subject to bilious As Written: billious fever in belief.)

Fever very high from the stand point of error. So that on this morn Sat. my case was much as it was two yearsAs Written:yrs. ago when my family M.D. came in only twice put me to rest the first call and in 5 or 6 days I was back to my treatment with Bro. S. and had no fear from that day or until As Written: untill the above. Our old friend and Christian bro. Dr. Woods was away. I let another come in Sat. a.m. He did not believe it best to put me to sleep. Sunday a.m. I requested Bro. Wickersham to take my case alone as to MetaphysicalAs Written:Met. treatment

You cannot put your hand on anyoneAs Written:any one in Chicago who has done better work than he. I do not except one. One case who had not walked for 5 yearsAs Written:yrs. a complete victory. One case of Tumor One of a Lady 70 yearsAs Written:yrs of age Paralysis of arm given up by M.D's. Perfectly well. Had failures of course like all the rest but in proportion As Written: propotion to number treated it is as good as anyoneAs Written:any one here. Strange to say Bro. W. has left for his home in Colorado today for want of business.

But to return to my case, Five days & nights passed As Written: past with 6 hours of sleep about. Then came a day & night and another day not one hour of sleep nay one moment. But long before this last passed As Written: past by even monday at 5 P.M. the delirium came. Bro. Wickersham came daily. 9 nights and 10 days up to 11 P.M. passed As Written: past one hour of sleep in 24 was the best I had. And still lost. Then my wife came and said to those watching I have waited long enough C. shall sleep if possible. I did not know what it was but I had four hours of sweet restful sleep. This was repeated 2 nights more and I could sleep of course there began to be then hours of clearness in a degree It passed to the 29th. M. D. said I will not call until As Written: untill the 31st

On that morn. M.D. says you don’t As Written: dont need me any longer, in the meantimeAs Written:mean time he alone had expected Typhoid and couldn’t As Written: couldnt understand it not knowing of my having MetaphysicalAs Written:Met. treatment althoughAs Written:altho' he knew of my work in MetaphysicsAs Written:Met.

Now Sister Eddy my faithful wife worn down in some degree with a Babe who had not been left alone for 8 days and nights and seeing her husband going down every hour and (as Sister S. recently remarked) we are all in our a.b.c. as yet, (pressing forward to perfect work in the future we hope) can you wonder she felt that further action must be taken in hopes that a stay night he had. Three children unable to care for themselves (One able to help her thoughAs Written:tho' in this trial as only our FatherEditorial Note: God could give her the strength to do) clinging to her.

Thanks to our FatherEditorial Note: God the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science never stood out so clear as today for amid all the opposition of beliefs we see as never before the blessed results not only in the beliefs I have been saved from Typhoid fever but my wife is the marvel of all who do not understand the power that has kept her up. Over & over again in these weeks only 2 to 3 hours sleep in 24 and never more than 5 or 6, that seldom.

No girl to be had for love or money, (ours had just left because incompetent) Friends have been very kind, friends indeed. But they could not do as one within the house

I think wife is as well today as in the beginning. Tho' she has had to leave all and rest at times Praise HimEditorial Note: God evermore. Miss Brown did not come to comfort my wife or help or offer or wait to see me when well but flies As Written: flys off with a complaint to youEditorial Note: This is likely a reference to Ellen Brown Linscott's letter to Mary Baker Eddy on July 26, 1885. See 163A.27.031. and as perfectly natural you have ordered the withholding of my certificate.

Miss. B. knows why she did not visit a member a brother & Sister in [?] Unclear or illegible . Our FatherEditorial Note: God knows also we do not.

Father forgive them said JesusLuke 23:34 ¶Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots. we echo the same from our inmost heart. I have written as before and with my Father who art in heavenMatt 6:9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. . I have labored for the C.S.A.Editorial Note: The Christian Scientist Association in Chicago, Illinois was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts. when those who are especially As Written: specially in earnest for it now would not come in and who have been especially As Written: specially near to you. I gave in my poverty 1/2 of the rent twice a month for 7 months which now the C.S.A. pay for. I did from my love for the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. thoughAs Written:tho' my partner opposed it at first.

I have never practiced As Written: practice quackery as HeEditorial Note: God knoweth all things knows.

Now because of being overtaken by the error and sorry as we were in a double blow do you think it just and right to withhold the certificate answer before HimEditorial Note: God whom you love and serve. I have no fear even thoughAs Written:tho' I should leave for want of support for I take the word. 2d Tim. 2.19II Tim 2:19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. Heb. 13-5. 6Heb 13:5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Heb 13:6 So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me. . Please let me hear at your earliest convenience.

I would like if you would ask Mrs. Philbrick about Mrs. M'sEditorial Note: Probably Emma A. Morrill work.

Very Respectfully and truly Yours in Truth.
C. F. Morrill

P.S. I omitted to say that when M.D. left from the 29th the day I came to myself and saying on the 31st that such & such was the improvement Wife says there is the medicine you left as Mr. M. would not touch it after coming to himself then M.D. said you don’t As Written: dont need me any longer and left.


Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Prof. M. B. G. Eddy
Pres.Expanded:President Mass. Metaphysical College
Boston Mass.Expanded:Massachusetts
Dear Madam:

After many nights of broken rest on the eve July 15th at 8 P.M. as I was seeking a little rest before another night of watching with my child that the faithful mother could have a little rest the belief of chill (severe) and then fever came like a flash, so sudden was it. Fever and chills are new in my experience. I had treatment at once by one who has studied hard and mingled constantly with your favored and approved students. Whose failures have been few and successes many and as wonderful as any done in Chicago leaving out Cancer, & Tumor & Paralysis which she has not had a case of one of her cases you reported in Journal. The belief of nausea began Thursday, a.m. and was terrible up to the 19th monday Corrected: Monday eve. On friday Corrected: Friday a.m. Bro. Wickersham took up the opposition earnestly.

I was growing worse in belief continually on Sat a.m. (I will stop here to say I have all my life been subject to billious Corrected: bilious fever in belief.)

Fever very high from the stand point of error. So that on this morn Sat. my case was such that much as it was two yrs.Expanded:years ago when my family M.D. came in only twice put me to rest the first call and in 5 or 6 days I was back to my treatment with Bro. S. and had no fear from that day or untill Corrected: until the above. Our old friend and Christian bro. Dr. Woods was away. I let another come in Sat. a.m. He did not believe it best to put me to sleep. Sunday a.m. I requested Bro. Wickersham to take my case alone as to Met.Expanded:Metaphysical treatment

You cannot put your hand on any oneCorrected:anyone in Chicago who has done better work than he. I do not except one. One case who had not walked for 5 yrs.Expanded:years a complete victory. One case of Tumor One of a Lady 70 yrsExpanded:years of age a Paralysis of arm given up by M.D's. Perfectly well. Had failures of course like the all the rest but in propotion Corrected: proportion to number treated it is as good as any oneCorrected:anyone here. Strange to say Bro. W. has left for his home in Colorado today for want of business.

But to return to my case, Five days & nights past Corrected: passed with 6 hours of sleep about. Then came a day & night and another day not one hour of sleep nay one moment. But long before this last past Corrected: passed by even monday at 5 P.M. the delirium came. Bro. Wickersham came daily. 9 days nights and 10 days up to 11 P.M. past Corrected: passed one hour of sleep in 24 was the best I had. And still lost. Then my wife and came and said to those watching I have waited long enough C. shall sleep A if possible. I did not know what it was but I had four hours of sweet restful sleep. This was repeated 2 nights more and I could sleep of course there began to be then hours of clearness to in a degree It passed to the 29th. M. D. said I will not call untill Corrected: until the 31st

On that morn. to M.D. says you dont Corrected: don’t need me any longer, in the mean timeCorrected:meantime he alone and had expected Typhoid and couldnt Corrected: couldn’t understand it not knowing of my having treat Met.Expanded:Metaphysical treatment altho'Expanded:although he knew of my work in Met.Expanded:Metaphysics

Now Sister Eddy my faithful wife worn down in some degree with a Babe who had not been left alone for 8 days and nights and seeing her husband going down every hour and (as Sister S. recently remarked recently remarked) we are all in our a.b.c. as yet, (pressing forward to perfect work in the future we hope) can you wonder she felt so that further action must be taken in hopes that a stay night he had. Three children unable to care for themselves (One able to help her tho'Expanded:though in this trial as only our FatherEditorial Note: God could give her the strength to do) clinging to her.

Thanks to our FatherEditorial Note: God the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science never stood out so clear as today for amid all the opposition of beliefs we see as never before the blessed results not only in what the beliefs I have been saved from Typhoid fever but my wife is the marvel of all who do not understand the power that has kept her up. Over & over again in these weeks only 2 to 3 hours sleep in 24 and never more than 5 or 6, that seldom.

No girl to be had for love or money, (ours had just left because incompetent) Friends have been very kind, friends indeed. But they could not do as one within the house

I think wife is as well today as in the beginning. Tho' she has had to leave all and rest at times Praise HimEditorial Note: God evermore. Miss Brown did not come to comfort my wife or help or offer or wait to see me when well but flys Corrected: flies off with a complaint to youEditorial Note: This is likely a reference to Ellen Brown Linscott's letter to Mary Baker Eddy on July 26, 1885. See 163A.27.031. and as perfectly natural you have ordered the withholding of my certificate.

Miss. B. knows why she did not visit a member a brother & Sister in [?] Unclear or illegible . Our FatherEditorial Note: God knows also we do not.

Father forgive them said JesusLuke 23:34 ¶Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots. said we echo the same from our inmost heart. I have written as before and with my Father who art in heavenMatt 6:9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. . I have labored for the C.S.A.Editorial Note: The Christian Scientist Association in Chicago, Illinois was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts. when those who are specially Corrected: especially in earnest for it now would not come in and who have been specially Corrected: especially near to you. I gave in my poverty 1/2 of the rent twice a month for 7 months which now the C.S.A. pay for. I did from my w love for the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. tho'Expanded:though my partner opposed it at first.

I have never practice Corrected: practiced quackery as HeEditorial Note: God knoweth all things knows.

Now because of being overtaken by the error and sorry as we were in a double blow do you think it just and right to withhold the certificate answer before HimEditorial Note: God whom you love and serve. I have no fear even tho'Expanded:though I should leave for want of support for I take the word. 2d Tim. 2.19II Tim 2:19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. Heb. 13-5. 6Heb 13:5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Heb 13:6 So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me. . Please let me hear at your earliest convenience.

I would like if you would ask Mrs. Philbrick about Mrs. M'sEditorial Note: Probably Emma A. Morrill work.

Very Respectfully and truly Yours in Truth.
C. F. Morrill

P.S. I omitted to say that when M.D. left from the 29th to the day I came to myself and saying on the 31st that such & such was the [?] Unclear or illegible  improvement Wife says there is the medicine you left as Mr. M. would not touch it after coming to himself then M.D. said you dont Corrected: don’t need me any longer and left.


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Chicago, Illinois God God Christian Science God God The Christian Scientist Association in Chicago, Illinois was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts. The cause of Christian Science. God God Probably Emma A. Morrill This is likely a reference to Ellen Brown Linscott's letter to Mary Baker Eddy on July 26, 1885. See 163A.27.031.