Chicago, Jan. 17 1885
Your welcome letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. was duly received. You have learned of my declining a reelectionEditorial Note: C. F. Morrill had been serving as secretary of the Chicago branch of the Christian Scientist Association.. My home cases and increasing practice combined made it impossible to do justice to the office of SecretaryAs Written:Sec’y.
I regret the loss I sustain in the privilege of correspondence with you in the office more than any other.
My “Note” to you is due on the 22d but I am not able to meet it. Therefore I must beg an extension without date as to time of payment. I have had a hard time building up a practice and sustaining my family. It has run me deeply in debt and what I now say is only for your eyes and ears – viz – my family have had to go destitute for needed clothing and my wife has not been on the street for 4 months for the want of the same.
I am helped by my Landlord waiting now for 3 months rent and Bro Wickersham pays the office rent and waits on me. I owe him 3 mos rent also.
My Grocer 3 mos bills, my Coal dealer $30Editorial Note: $30.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $793.52 in 2019. – All these know I am doing God’s As Written: Gods service and the dear Father put it in their hearts to help me. I owe other bills also.
But, when I asked God to deliver me in 60 days or let me out of practice the tide turned and in place of charity
2d Cor. 13-8II Cor 13:8 For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth. Cor 13:8
“Patients” those able to pay came pouring in for 15 days past until As Written: untill this week I have worked from 6 a.m. until As Written: untill 11 P.M. every night.
I had 5 cures last week with one treatment each.
Beside this I have had some wonderful As Written: wonderfull cures of 6 – 20 – and 50 treatments each.
I have 22 paying patients – regular – beside several families who call me if any belief As Written: beleif occurs in sudden attacks. Also several charity patients all getting As Written: geting well but one. He is not discouraged yet – for his wife is healed.
All this means that sometimeAs Written:some time I shall pull out of the debts to you and others.
But I have the joy of the LordNeh 8:10 Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength. now as I used to do in other Christian work. My Pastor says after service on New year morning in which I took part, how God does bless you and your work how you do help me and said he the greater your trials the happier you are in “Him”Editorial Note: God and the more he uses you.
One thing I know dearest Sister, teacher and friend, I am in “Divine Science”Editorial Note: Christian Science God’s As Written: Gods word is my weapon in every treatment. I pray for you daily God bless you.
John 15=5John 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. .