Accession: 507.56.010
Editorial Title: Perley Green to Betsey J. Swett, February 5, 1886
Author: Perley Green 
Recipient: Betsey J. Swett 
Date: February 5, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Perley Green on lined paper from Stoneham, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs SwettChristian ScientistAs Written:CS

Seeing your name in the Journal and you being in LowellEditorial Note: Lowell, Massachusetts and one of Mrs Eddy student As Written: studant and I am of the Same- College in good Standing

ask As Written: aske you if you can do anything As Written: Enething in the Way of forming class or helping me to get As Written: gat a class if you can I will do all I can to Pay you and help you all I can

For we are As Written: ar Brothers and Sisters in this As Written: thers great As Written: grate and Noble Work.

yours in Truth
Perley Green
Stoneham, MassachusettsAs Written:Mass.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs SwettCSExpanded:Christian Scientist

Seeing your name in tehe Journal and you being in LowellEditorial Note: Lowell, Massachusetts and one of Mrs Eddy studant Corrected: student and I am of the Same- College in good Standing

aske Corrected: ask you if you can do Enething Corrected: anything in the Way of forming class or helping me to gat Corrected: get a class if you can I will do all I can to Pay you and help you all I can

For we ar Corrected: are Brothers and Sisters in thers Corrected: this grate Corrected: great and Noble Work.

in yours in Truth
Perley Green
Stoneham, Mass.Expanded:Massachusetts
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Stoneham, Massachusetts Lowell, Massachusetts