⇉ Handshift:Betsey J. SwettLowellEditorial Note: Lowell, Massachusetts Feb 6th 1886
This noteEditorial Note: See 507.56.010 I enclose for advice? there could be no one that would be more pleased than As Written: tham myself for some true Christian Scientist, to start this glorious work in Lowell, it is one of the greatest desiresAs Written:desire's of mind to have the ball put in motion in this place. it has been sadly misrepresented here. there have been teachersAs Written:teacher's that have taught twelve lessonsAs Written:lesson's for $12–Editorial Note: $12.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $330.40 in 2020. that claim to be your students, but recommend othersAs Written:other's writing instead of your books. saying that they are only one woman's mind.
now this gentleman I know nothing about I do not find his name in the journal, do not know whether he is a member of the association. I would not be the means of introducing a fraud, (for that is the belief most prevalent at present, here.)
I cannot endorse treachery, to my dear teacher, or to the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. I love so much. I will do anything that lies in my power to promote this work in Lowell.
of myself I feel weak. I do not feel equal to the emergency, that is requisite here. there are many that are interested, are desirous to understand more about it. I have always As Written: alway advised them to consult you,, if you think he is competent to impart Christian Science, I shall heartily Cooperate with him. Please instruct me in this respect have you any writing beside what Science & healthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy contain, that would be beneficial As Written: benefical to me. explanation of the ScripturesAs Written:Scripture's et ceteraAs Written:&'c I feel as though I am as nothing, especially since the last meeting, when you expressed the desire for us all to become teachersAs Written:teacher's –
P. S.
I only hope the time is not far distant when Lowell People will have the pleasure of hearing Mrs Eddy lecture –
please pardon me for this intrusion on your time, for I did not feel competent to judge. as the gentleman was a stranger – – – –
#123 Prince St Lowell MassachusettsAs Written:Mass