Aug 23rd 1886.
Enclosed please find three doll, & seventy ctsEditorial Note: $3.70 in 1886 is the equivalent of $119.94 in 2023. for your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, as advertised Christian science Journal for May 1886 page 53.
I was very happy in receiving the Journal that you must have been instrumental in sending to me; But sad enough to know how impossible the money necessary would make my receiving the instruction I do so wish to have, directly from you.
I learned too how full your life is. and valuable Your time. But I do wish that you would ask that I may be blessed with the greatest possible capacity for knowing and receiving the truth from your books and a power to use the know ledge to do good.
I see by the Journal that you take a limited number of clergymenAs Written:clergyman – free. What could you do for a Home Missionary's daughter? My father came to Southwest As Written: South-west Missouri, thirteen years ago but in his old age, became so very deaf, that he could do very little work. We have helped, as we had opportunity and have a Union Sabbath – school, established here in the woods, that has done great good.
I do so hope I can understand from your books what I so desire to know; all that seems such mystery! One author says that "Inspiration is in proportion to the capacity of our souls to receive it." Pray for me that the largeness of my Soul, shall be mighty! that I may receive inspiration in proportion. I shall not give up the great desire I have to know you. Money it is said is the root of all evilI Tim 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. , the lack of it, has always seemed to keep from me, everythingAs Written:every thing that is good. I should have sent for your books long ago but for the paltry dollars I am very eager to have them
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