Oct 25/86
I reached Denver in safety, after passing a few days pleasantly in ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois, visiting & meeting with many true & earnest workers. I remained over Sunday specially to hear Bro Adams preach & felt well paid for doing so. I was more than pleased with his sermon= the subject= What, where & who is God being treated intelligentlyAs Written:intillegently &, to my mind, wholly in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. All seemed pleased with it, & the gathering. I can assure you, both in point of numbers; intelligence & respectability was gratifying, & proved beyond a doubt that Christian Science was assuming proportions & gaining firm footing in Chicago. After hearing Mr Adams's As Written: Adams sermon, my hope, that he would yet grow out of the old & vainglorious into the New & sustaining gained strength; for it gave evidence that your long toiling with him was beginning to tell, & the Light of Truth brought in by your teaching was forcing Its way through the darkness. I believe that when next you question him upon the subject, you will find that he has reached the understanding of "how to pray for himself & all sinners, in Science," & not be ever again guilty of obtaining from mortal mind a "search" warrant & turning with it, appealingly to God asking Him to serve it & do the searching; for he must now realize- & I believe he does- that with the lamp of Truth within our grasp we can illuminate all the hidden recesses of the material premises & do, successfully, our own searching.
Your bright & earnest little student, Miss Hall, has gone to teach a small class in Cañon As Written: Canon City, this State, she left here Friday. Try, my Dear teacher to forgive & forget the oversight she innocently committed in not carrying into immediate effect your wishes to form an Institute upon her return from you, and restore her again to your full love & confidence; for she loves you dearly, firmly - is good & true, & could not, I know, be swayed by mortal from her allegiance to you. It would break her heart, & pain her good Mother severely did they even suspect that the error unintentionally committed had forfeited for them, one jot of your love & confidence. The family in accordance with plans formed months before, but awaited Miss Minnies return from Boston & the close of her first class to leave for California, there to spend the summer. The person Heathwood's appearance as a as-called Normal graduate of Christian Science in the Parlors of Mrs Fisk, did not take place until after the departure of the Halls. Minnie's As Written: Minnies delay in starting her Institute was but an error of judgmentAs Written:judgement & you will I know forgive it. The nondescript spoken of, is, I learn, teaching, or endeavoring to form classes in CheyenneAs Written:Cheyinne Wyoming TerritoryAs Written:Wy. Ter., with what success, is not known here.
There has been started recently a regular Sunday Evening Meeting of ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists at the residence of Mrs C. L. Hall for the reading & study of Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and the Bible. The gathering last evening (my first attendance) was very encouraging, Mrs Hall's spacious & brilliant parlors being fairly filled with some thirty of the brightest of those in the Science here.
You remember, I spoke to you of my fears as to teaching – fears based upon a
conscious weakness, or incapacity, owing to my deficiency in knowledge of the
Scriptures- Nor were my fears abated, but rather my own littleness made more palpable
& convincing to me, after sitting for six days at your feet listening to the words
of Wisdom flowing from your lips like the waters of a pure & overbubbling spring
drawing its supply from an unlimited source; impressing upon my mind with stronger
than ever, as it must upon all who have been privileged to come to you for instruction-
the conviction, that God has not yet- since the Word was lost- given to man but one
Science. An
inward craving (still present) for even a faint glimmer of the Light – spiritual
understanding – took possession of me from the first lesson,- that I might thus be
enabled to see clearer the Divine truths uttered by you (to mortal mind
incomprehensible) & that, like, soothing oil from Heaven through you as the Divine
agency was being poured upon the troubled waters of our restless & surging sea of
Mortal beliefs. I was therefore filled with misgivings & distrust of myself over the
meeting with these people last evening. The fear disappeared
quickly, & I was made to realize the full force &
truth of what you told me, that I would "have
fear" but that the Word would come to me when needed- It did
Come to me last evening & I will never have fears again- This assumption does not
spring from any thought of egotism or conceit, for I am too well aware of my
own lack of ability & learning, but it springs from a feeling of
growing strength in the spiritual understanding of God's word. I witnessed last evening,
life-longAs Written:life long Bible students capable of quoting almost any passage verse or chapter &, withalAs Written:with all, well read & well versed in Worldly knowledge,
stumbling over passages & paragraphs in the reading of Science
& Health, that were in
self-explaining, self-convincing; & even to a liberal
reasoning mind would appear clear.
But they seemed unable to comprehend them for themselves because they could
not reconcile the statements with the word of the Scriptures.
How strongly did it prove that Infinite Wisdom & Truth is beyond the reach or ken
finite reason. The word, connected with a very shallow meaning in most cases, is,
find, about the full stock in trade of the average orthodox Bible student; & finding
it so, to such an extent I am beginning to feel not quite so badly as I did, over
fact that I am not even an "average Bible student". I am in hopes that it may prove
rather an advantage, even at my age, to beginthe study of the Scriptures
understandingly. God I know is with me in the study &
search for Light; for
as the
of Mind coexistent As Written: co-existent with Spirit and reflecting Divine Principle, I know I can reach the
Understanding, reflecting, as I do the Power and Wisdom that
can help me to it,- only through my own exertions however.. What a revelation all
has been to me, who for forty-fourAs Written:forty four years have been groping in darkness. "Groping blindly in
the darkness," have "touched God's right hand in that darkness."Editorial Note: These quotations are from from “The Song of Hiawatha” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:
"Groping blindly in the darkness,
Touch God's right hand in that darkness
are lifted up and strengthened"–
Restoration to health is but a small portion in the measure of blessings brought to
through the agency of Christian Science – a greater= the reuniting As Written: re-uniting of the bonds of affection between a long-separatedAs Written:long separated and distracted family - Husband, wife and children. (The
me); but the greatest, the now blissful peace & rest of a
happy tranquil mind, such as since a child, I have never before experienced. How much
therefore my Dear Teacher do I not owe to Christian Science, to You & to your
teachings- To both my loyalty is due for life; from neither can I ever be swayed.
have been kind, good & generous to me & I feel deeply grateful. The tuition fee
I will accept but as a loan, until with God's help- helping myself through As Written: though Him-I am able to remit it to you.
Pardon my imposing upon your needed time with so long a letter I am settled down to my practice but have not yet commenced to teach – Material scarce – Will advise you of future developments.
Command me in any way, within my limited powers & ability- I am at your service always.
286– 10th St