Pardon me, if I write and deliver a message from Mr. Whitehead, i.e. "that he is not pushing this mal-practice on your consideration, and never mentions it, except when questioned about it, and even then very reservedly," which is true, for I came on my own responsibility & Mrs. P's, to consult with you on the subject. I was sincere in all I did and bore no malice. I was wrought-up to the pitch of coming, by the general cry, not of one person alone, but of pupils in every direction, that they need relief from this mal-practice, the belief of which has been exposed by reading Demonology–also page 194, 2d el– volumeAs Written:vol. 1. " Mr. W, before me, felt the same feeling, for he says, , "so much was I impressed with it, that I felt impelled to visit BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts & pay the whole course of the occult sciences that could be used in this ,way, before the master mind in metaphysics– especially after reading, "must ere long be not by divine law, that will overrule the result in the interest of metaphysics." (lines 5, 6 & 7 from bottom page 194– volumeAs Written:Vol 1 S & HEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy).
You can see by what he says that he is not desirous of pushing himself before the metaphysical world. i.e. "I desire to be left alone to heal, I am anxious to heal at once & firmly believe I shall rise to it by living the life, making the sacrifice, & by patient and steady study." He urged Mr. AdamsEditorial Note: Possibly Edward P. Adams, (a patient of his, who came east Friday last,) to join your class– Did he come?
Care Rev. Ed. Beecher–
182 Macon St. Brooklyn New YorkAs Written:N. Y–