I send you a report of the special meeting called last Tuesday. 10 members present; Pres. Brown in chair. Meeting opened by repeating Lord’s Prayer.
Mrs. Eddy’s letter to the Asso.Editorial Note: The Christian Science Association of Chicago was a branch of the C.S.A in Boston, Massachusetts. read Articles on Metaphysical Healing in the Interior of Mar. 19, & Apr. 2. read before the Society. Letter from E. J. Smith, concerning libelous As Written: libellous article of Apr. 2, and Mrs. Eddy’s proposed action if a prompt & complete retraction is not made, was read.
Dr. Avery & Roger Sherman called on the editor of the Interior, William C. Gray. The article, “Christian Science, What is it?" was offered for publication, but was declined on the ground that there was already an article in print in answer to the one of Apr. 2.
Orthodox’ real name was asked, & refused by the editor, Dr. Avery then informed Mr. Gray that he, as editor, would be held responsible, and need not be surprised to find himself defendant in a suit libel. Mr. Gray said, “Go aheadAs Written:a head.”
Moved & seconded that an article be written in answer to “Orthodox” and offered to Interior for publication, & if refused, put in some city paper. Carried unanimously. Dr. Avery, Miss Brown, and Miss Beecher, appointed committee to prepare article. Committee appointed to decide omit of room rent to be paid for society. Mrs. O.W. Day of Oak ParkEditorial Note: Oak Park, Illinois, proposed for membership, by Mrs. Noyes.
No reply or retraction has been made by Mr. Davis, Dr. R. Sherman & Avery appointed committee to call & inform him of Mrs. Eddy’s proposed action at law. Several minutes devoted to silent work against mal. mes. It was suggested that we all take up these different ones who have come out publicly against Christian ScienceAs Written:C.S. & treat them for mal. mes. et ceteraAs Written:&c. It has already been done by some. 1st cl. Act 2, Sec. 2. read, meeting adjourned to May 7.