Accession: 304.43.020
Editorial Title: Caroline D. Noyes to Mary Baker Eddy, July 28, 1885
Author: Caroline D. Noyes 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: July 28, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Caroline D. Noyes on lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Teacher

I received a letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. from Miss Bradshaw in which she declares her intention of going to you this Fall and she will be there either Sep. or Oct. but that of course she will arrange with you.

Interest Mrs Eddy in one if you can she says - for I feel as though I had such a hard place here all alone without any other ScientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientist, and I may she says need a little difference in my instruction as I have had some already, and have had quite a good deal of experience with Mal. Mes., but she adds perhaps Mrs Eddy considers all those things. I assured her that you did consider everything and always knew just what a Student needed, and that you always had an interest in them as long as they were zealous themselves and did right, and the best they could. Miss Bradshaw is a very fine character, and intends to devote herself exclusively to the work. She is of Quaker descent and belongs to a very fine old PhiladelphiaEditorial Note: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Family. She is perfectly fearless of Evil says she is not a particle afraid of malice. You know I used to be very much afraid of it, but I am not now. I have lost my fear nearly all together, but all the time I feel as though there was something to handle. A woman by the name of Ryan called yesterday for the BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and because I charged her three dollarsEditorial Note: $3.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $79.07 in 2019. she would not take them, because she could get them for less, all right I said go, you cannot get them from me for less, I esteem that irregular, and I did not suppose we were allowed to do so. She studied with that Mrs Coolidge. that studied with Osgood, and Mrs Coolidge has never been able to do anything herself. and can’t As Written: cant now, but she told People that she studied with the Instructor of Sherman and I. and on the strength of that. she got students for twenty five dollarsEditorial Note: $25.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $658.91 in 2019. each. She is not here now. but this Lady told me that Mrs Coolidge said that I told her with the promise that she must not say it, that I learned nothing from you that I didn’t As Written: didnt know before, why said I that is an infamous falsehood. I never learned anything of anyoneAs Written:any one else she seemed surprised at that and still more so that I could learn anything more at a normal course, and I told her if you had another course in a year or so that I should be glad to go for that anyone could always learn of you. She seemed to think because she had read your BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy eight or ten times that she knew all you did. But I find that is a rule that the less People know the more they think they know. In regard to a discussion in the C. S. A.Editorial Note: The Christian Scientist Association of Chicago was a branch of the C.S.A. in Boston, Massachusetts. on reading the BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy I don’t As Written: dont remember anything of the kind ever taking place. I intend to look over the records and if I have been misrepresented there I shall keep my mouth shut hereafter at the meetings. The BeechersEditorial Note: Clara A. Beecher and Isabella A. Beecher are (but they don’t As Written: dont intend to be) given to setting things out rather flowery as it were and I always I intend to be guarded when with them, for they are so given to making a great deal out of a little all unintentionally I think. I have always attributed that trouble with that ministerEditorial Note: Probably Samuel M. Davis.. to have been caused by indiscretion and a lack of tact. in their conversation, for we can’t As Written: cant take People by the throat and say you have got to believe this, I never had any trouble in convincing anyoneAs Written:any one. that I wanted toAs Written:too, I would say what they could stand at the time, and after a while they will be glad too have me say more, I don’t As Written: dont remember of ever talking with anyone ever, that they thought less of the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science for what I said, and everyone whereverAs Written:where ever I have been have convinced sooner or later, it is not done by the amount of talking one does as there manner and there own conviction. Part of that Family went to his Church. and it was Belles Books that he read from in his Pulpit, I may be mistaken in this impression that I have got, but do you not think that one can be indiscreet in this matter of talking [?] Unclear or illegible  To return to Mrs Coolidge, Mrs Adams the one who is coming to you heard she studied with ShermansEditorial Note: Bradford Sherman and Roger Sherman and My Instructor and the one that healed Sherman. and without saying anything to me she studied with her. She wasn’t As Written: wasnt satisfied of course. so when she went to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts I told her to go to you, and no one else, but she want to LowellEditorial Note: Lowell, Massachusetts, and Mrs Damon is well known there and she was advised them to study with her, and so she studied with her, the second mistake, When she came back I told her that she had taught her Error. and that she was much worse off than she was in the first place. When she had only read your BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, for them what she knew was right. she felt very bad indeed, and very much ashamed and when I went to Boston last spring did not want me to tell you about it, but now as she is coming to you I thought you right to know about it. But she is so good herself that I do not think she imbibed As Written: imbided much harm, and she is one of your most devoted admirers. And Miss Cole is very nice. I have boarded in the House with her most two years, and her only fault is a most extreme sensitiveness. Mrs Webster in past times has been a little of a Spiritualist but says she is entirely over it that Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. has cured her she is a very nice Lady. I thought you would like to know something about the students. Miss Bradshaw I think the most promising she is only twenty-twoAs Written:twenty two. The difficult question with her seems to be handling mortal mind or the Mal. You will hear from her now soon.

From your Loving Student
Caroline Noyes

My Dear Teacher I do try to do the best that I can always and I work very hard trying, but I think sometimes that I had more than my share of faults, more than the ordinary at least, but I think I am improving some and I do try very hard and God who knows the heart knows it

Mrs N.

I received the BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy alrightAs Written:allright.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Teacher

I received a letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. from Miss Bradshaw in which she declares her intention of going to you this Fall and she will be there either Sep. or Oct. but that of course she will arrange with you.

Interest Mrs Eddy in one if you can she says - for I feel as though I had such a hard place here all alone without any other ScientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientist, and I may she says need a little difference in my instruction as I have had some already, and have had quite a good deal of experience with Mal. Mes., but she adds perhaps Mrs Eddy considers all those things. I assured the her that you did consider everything and always knew just what a Student needed, and that you always had an interest in them as long as they were zealous themselves and did right, and the best they could. Miss Bradshaw is a very fine character, and intends to devote herself exclusively to the work. She is of Quaker descent and belongs to a very fine old PhiladelphiaEditorial Note: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Family. She is perfectly fearless of Evil says she is not a particle afraid of malice. You know I used to be very much afraid of it, but I am not now. I have lost my fear nearly all together, but all the time I feel as though there was something to handle. A woman by the name of Ryan called yesterday for the BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and because I charged her three dollarsEditorial Note: $3.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $79.07 in 2019. she would not take them, because she could get them for less, all right I said go, you cannot get them from me for less, I esteem that irregular, and I did not suppose we were allowed to do so. She studied with that Mrs Coolidge. that studied with Osgood, and Mrs Coolidge has never been able to do anything herself. and cant Corrected: can’t now, but she told People that she studied with the Instructor of Sherman and I. and on the strength of that. she got students for twenty five dollarsEditorial Note: $25.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $658.91 in 2019. each. She is not here now. but this Lady told me that Mrs Coolidge said that I told her with the promise that she must not say it, that I learned nothing from you that I didnt Corrected: didn’t know before, why said I that is an infamous falsehood. I never learned anything of any oneCorrected:anyone else she seemed surprised at that and still more so that I could learn anything more at a normal course, and I told her if you had another course in a year or so that I should be glad to go for that anyone could always learn of you. She seemed to think because she had read your BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy eight or ten times that she knew all you did. But I find that is a rule that the less People know the more they think they know. In regard to a discussion in the C. S. A.Editorial Note: The Christian Scientist Association of Chicago was a branch of the C.S.A. in Boston, Massachusetts. on reading the BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy I dont Corrected: don’t remember anything of the kind ever taking place. I intend to look over the records and if I have been misrepresented there I shall keep my mouth shut hereafter at the meetings. The BeechersEditorial Note: Clara A. Beecher and Isabella A. Beecher are (but they dont Corrected: don’t intend to be) given to settings things out rather flowery as it were and I always I intend to be guarded when with them, for they are so given to making a great deal out of a little all unintentionally I think. I have always attributed that trouble with that ministerEditorial Note: Probably Samuel M. Davis.. to have been caused by indiscretion and a lack of tact. in their conversation, for we cant Corrected: can’t take People by the throat and say you have got to believe this, I never had any trouble in convincing any oneCorrected:anyone. that I wanted tooCorrected:to, I would say what they could stand at the time, and after a while they will be glad too have you me say more, I dont Corrected: don’t remember of ever talking with anyone ever, that they thought less of the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science for what I said, and everyone where everCorrected:wherever I have been have convinced sooner or later, it is not done by the amount of talking one does but as there manner and there own conviction. Part of that Family went to his Church. and it was Belles Books that he read from in his Pulpit, I may be mistaken in this impression that I have got, but do you not think that one can be indiscreet in this matter of talking [?] Unclear or illegible  To return to Mrs Coolidge, Mrs Adams the one who is coming to you heard she studied with ShermansEditorial Note: Bradford Sherman and Roger Sherman and My Instructor and the one that healed Sherman. and without saying anything to me she studied with her. She wasnt Corrected: wasn’t satisfied of course. so when she went to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts I told her to go to you, and no one else, but she want to LowellEditorial Note: Lowell, Massachusetts, and Mrs Damon is well known there and she was advised them to study with her, and so she studied with her, the second mistake, When she came back I told her that she had taught her Error. and that she was much worse off than she was in the first place. When she had only read your BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, for them what she knew was right. she felt very bad indeed, and very much ashamed and when I went to Boston last spring did not want me to tell you about it, but now as she is coming to you I thought you right to know about it. But she is so good herself that I do not think she imbided Corrected: imbibed much harm, and she is one of your most devoted admirers. And Miss Cole is very nice. I have boarded in the House with her most two years, and her only fault is a most extreme sensitiveness. Mrs Webster in past times has been a little of a Spiritualist but says she is entirely over it that C. S.Expanded:Christian Science has cured her she is a very nice Lady. I thought you would like to know something about the students. Miss Bradshaw I think the most promising she is only twenty twoCorrected:twenty-two. The difficult question with her seems to be handling mortal mind or the Mal. You will hear from her now soon.

From your Loving Student
Caroline Noyes

My Dear Teacher I do try to do the best that I can always and I work very hard trying, but I thinking sometimes that I had more than my share of faults, more than the ordinary at least, but I think I am improving some and I do try very hard and God who knows the heart knows it

Mrs N.

I received the BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy allrightCorrected:alright.

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Shown for development purposes only
Chicago, Illinois This letter is not extant. Christian Scientist Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy $3.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $79.07 in 2019. $25.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $658.91 in 2019. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy The Christian Scientist Association of Chicago was a branch of the C.S.A. in Boston, Massachusetts. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Clara A. Beecher and Isabella A. Beecher Probably Samuel M. Davis. Christian Science Bradford Sherman and Roger Sherman Boston, Massachusetts Lowell, Massachusetts Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy