Accession: 296.43.001
Editorial Title: Malinda J. Lancaster to Mary Baker Eddy, July 26, 1886
Author: Malinda J. Lancaster 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: July 26, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Malinda J. Lancaster on lined paper from Lexington, Kentucky.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye, probably dictated to him by Mary Baker Eddy.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

CannotAs Written:Can not you have a class about the 1st of Sep or a little sooner, & let me know by the 10th of Aug- if you are willing to take me in it. I feel that you must & will, & you will have the goodness of heart & merciful judgment to push me through the normal class also. I feel that it must be done. I must help to bear the standard. I know that can push if you will help me & I know that can do it well if I feel that you are entirely willing. I have done some good work, & know that can do better if I knew how, & know that can learn quick, however, shall abide your judgment. You may think me impertinent, premature, & egotistical, but you will not find me so, you will find me determined to know the Truth - the whole Truth, & nothing but the Truth. It is the hour of need, & the laborers are few, the harvest abundantMatt 9:37 Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Luke 10:2 Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest. & by the Grace of God I will know this Truth & demonstrate it in all Its As Written: It's purity. I feel that you must & will help me. Now! the reason I ask as I have is because there is a probability As Written: brobibiltely of my going east with Husband & daughterEditorial Note: Possibly Bessie S. Lancaster about the 14th of Aug- & if you will or can let me know, can leave my children & household in order. that is, can arrange to leave them with better satisfaction than if, I leave in a hurry. Am trying to keep in readiness for your call, but, if we wait until Fall sewing et ceteraAs Written:&C is to be done, then it will be very uncertain if I can leave home. We expect to leave our daughter at Smith As Written: Smiths College MassachusettsAs Written:Mass. I wish my Husband would join the class with me, that is, I wish you would summon him & also my friend Mrs Rogers I pronounce her entirely well. She has been my patient since last may, Dr Fluno has helped me with her. I know you will like her & take pleasure in teaching her. I am perfectly well, & am so glad. I am delighted, & ready to push or for you to push me to the very highest point of understanding am Capable of reaching. I healed a sick calf with one treatment, & would worry you with a few other treatments, but, am sent for to see patient who has a belief of diarrheaAs Written:diareah.

Please accede As Written: acceed to my wishes –

Yours very truly As Written: truely
Mrs Geo. Lancaster
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeDon't think you ready yet can study with sister afterAs Written:afr takingAs Written:tak'g her Nor course, & then if yourAs Written:yor sister has preparedAs Written:prepr'd you &
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Can notCorrected:Cannot you have a class about the 1st of Sep or a little sooner, & let me know by the 10th of Aug- if you are willing to take me in it. I feel that you must & will, & you will have the goodness of heart & merciful judgment to push me through the normal class also. I feel that it must be done. I must help to bear the standard. I know that can push if you will help me & I know that can do it well if I feel that you are entirely willing. I have done some good work, & know that can do better if I kn [?] Unclear or illegible ew how, & know that can learn quick, however, shall abide your judgment. You may think me impertinent, premature, & egotistical, but you will not find me so, you will find me determined to know the Truth - the whole Truth, & nothing but the Truth. It is the hour of need, & the laborers are few, the harvest abundantMatt 9:37 Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Luke 10:2 Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest. & by the Grace of God I will know this Truth & demonstrate it in all It's Corrected: Its purity. I feel that you must & will help me. Now! the reason I ask as I have is because there is a brobibiltely Corrected: probability of my going east with Husband & daughterEditorial Note: Possibly Bessie S. Lancaster about the 14th of Aug- & if you will or can let me know, can leave my children & household in order. that is, can arrange to leave them with better satisfaction than if, I leave in a hurry. Am trying to keep in readiness for your call, but, ifI we wait until Fall sewing &CExpanded:et cetera is to be done, thaen it will be very uncertain if I can leave home. We expect to leave our daughter at Smiths Corrected: Smith College MassExpanded:Massachusetts. I wish my Husband would join the class with me, that is, I wish you would summon him & also my friend Mrs Rogers I pronounce her entirely well. sShe has been my patient since last may, Dr Fluno has helped me with her. I know you will like her & take pleasure in teaching her. I am perfectly well, & am so glad. I am delighted, & ready to push or for you to push me to the very highest point of understanding Cam Capable of reaching. I healed a sick calf with one treatment, & would worry you with [?] Unclear or illegible  a few other treatsments, but, am sent for to see patient who has a beflief of diareahCorrected:diarrhea.

Please acceed Corrected: accede to my wishes –

Yours very truely Corrected: truly
Mrs Geo. Lancaster
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeDon't think you ready yet can study with sister afrExpanded:after tak'gExpanded:taking her Nor [?] Unclear or illegible  course, & then if yorExpanded:your sister has prepr'dExpanded:prepared you & I find you ready upon examin Ill take you in Nor.
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Possibly Bessie S. Lancaster