Accession: 237AP2.38.030
Editorial Title: Silas J. Sawyer to Mary Baker Eddy, August 15, 1886
Author: Silas J. Sawyer 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: August 15, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Silas J. Sawyer on lined paper from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Beloved Teacher:

Sitting here in the Union Depot at ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois, at 9 o'clock Sunday night, waiting for my train to leave for MilwaukeeEditorial Note: Milwaukee, Wisconsin at 10.30- I know you will pardon the pencil that gives you the result of my observations among ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists here. How I do wish I could tell it you by word of mouth

First I spoke at their morning service, to a good full house, and I spoke boldly in relation to the mind-cure, what they attempt etc. Then I took up the great necessity of students rousing from their lethargy, and meeting this question, strong and fearless. To make use of our literature, especially using large numbers of the aug Journal, to inform the people of the difference, I told them that if they claimed to be true scientistsAs Written:scienists, then they could manifest that fidelity to it by following the directions of its author; and I could speak for Mrs Eddy's endorsement As Written: endorsment of our appeal, to go to work with renewed vigor. Our words seemed to reach them, especially the younger class, and I hope the older students too.

After service I had a long talk with Rev Day, about the "Institute". I regret to say I find in him, a lack of energy, also a timidity. in relation to trusting to ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. He remarked that he could not see his way clear, how to conduct such an institution, especially where so many were interested.. That neither Mr ShermansEditorial Note: Bradford Sherman and Roger Sherman, or others of the older Students would do their teaching under the control of Institute, or share in its expense. He says that Mr Shermans As Written: Sherman's do not help the church, or pay any attention to it. He says he has no money, and must depend upon the Institute for support. Finally he says this; Miss Brown would join with him and get a charter. Now let me give you Mrs Bell and Larminie's situation.

They both live in Hyde ParkEditorial Note: Hyde Park is a neighborhood in Chicago, Illinois.. which is a long distance from all the others; also Hyde Park is the wealthiest,, and largest township attached to the CityEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois. Mrs Larminie offers her home for use as an Institute. Mr Day thinks it ought to be up in the business part of City. that, will be very expensive though.

I found the greatest obstacle to forming the school of those you named in the objection to E. B. Both Mrs Bell and Larminie put aside their objections, but in Mr Bell, is the obstacle I could see no way to overcome. He says to me, if Mrs Larminie Mrs Webster or Adams and my wife will form an Institute I shall not object, but I won't As Written: wont permit my wife to form one in connection with E. B.

Before I reached him, he had declared his wife must give up Science, and should not go to any Normal Class Etc. Etc.

I found Mrs Bell in distress over his decisions. I took my cue, and went to work upon him, told him all about the object in forming these Institutes and finally got him interested to the extent of his making the above concessions.

He is very proud, and of late Mrs Bell has had a difficult time of it with his pride. She thinks I gained As Written: gaind quite a victory in gaining As Written: gainng his consent to her going on. I admire him very much, for his sterling qualities, and if once converted to the Science will help Mrs B- very decidedly. When he found that my acquaintances extended among his intimate business friends, and that I was devoting my time to the science, he changed his views very much.

This is the situation now– Mrs B– L– and Adams or Webster can form an Institute. Mr Day and E. B would form one also; and I think these would be followed by Mr Shermans on the West side. It seems impossible to get them to work together. Mrs Bell; Larminie, will do anything you wish, yet are very positive that if Miss B- is not the head she would be a contentious one in their midst. I decided thus; that it would be wise perhaps for Mrs Larminie Bell and some one or two more to go ahead, get a charter, and if, Mr Day or others wanted to come into it after: or form another they could do so. Mrs Bell and Larminie are ready to begin at once,, but the indecision of Mr Day, and Mr Bell opposing anythingAs Written:any thing of E B's being in may defeat, or delay the whole. Thus, in brief you have a hint as to the situation. Mr Day says As Written: say's he will write you also, but I think the others had better go on, and if he will come in after, or join with E B. it will be well. Of course you can see mesmerism in the very atmosphere, here.

If Mr ShermansAs Written:Sherman's won'tAs Written:wont take an interest, what can be done? more, than for the others to go ahead as I have suggested. Can you see the diviner side of this question, and write me your opinion. There are quite a number of young students here who are going to make good workers. If only that ambition, love of place, and power, love of money, could be put aside by some of the older onesAs Written:one's, how beautiful all would be However, I believe, if Mrs Larminie Bell & others get a charter as I have suggested, it may stimulate Mr Shermans As Written: Sherman's to do the same, or come in with them.

It is too bad, but, the suspicion of E. B.'s fidelity to you is a sad obstacle, and yet all are anxious to hold on, and not offend her

There was one thing Mr Day could not get hold of – what system of teaching to adopt in the Institute. He seemed to think if six formed, the teaching would need to be divided, two would teach for a period, and so on through the year, and the proceeds be divided equally. I could not make him see that it was not designed to conduct it like a secular school

I enclose a dollarEditorial Note: $1.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $32.42 in 2023. and name for a subscriber to Journal, will you please send it to Mrs Crosse.

I presume there will be many orders sent for the Journal, as the result of our talk to them.

I believe this, that you are to see a new generation spring forth in Chicago, who will take up the sword and do battle for you, and our causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science., and that by those who will be faithful to handling Animal Magnetism.

Monday morning 6. A M – And now let me say dear friend, that this trip to ChicagoAs Written:C– has been a very practical lesson to me. I learned more and more that Animal Magnetism, is handled successfully, only as we begin first with self first. I noticed the almost universal mistake of all talking as though it was real, and discovering it in someoneAs Written:some one, or something outside of self. That very eagerness to see it in something beside self has begotten a forgetfulness As Written: forgetfullness of its more dangerous forms. When will we all rouse up to the sense of the fact, that personalization of even Spiritual things is the Scientists' As Written: Scientists greatest foe, and the more harmful to our cause.

May our heavenly Father never let me forget it again; and may the Spirit keep me alive, awake to reminding my fellow-beings of the same.

When Mr Day said B. Sherman and wife did not come to Church, took no interest etc. I asked him if he handled the mesmeric influence, but he says no, I do not see how it appliesAs Written:apply's.

Mrs Bell informs me that his wife takes up Mal- Mes- but Mr Day does not think it so necessary. His is a good Christian, but the old forms of religion have considerable hold upon him yet.

The power or influence that has the tenacious hold upon them, with very few exceptions, and those exceptions are perhaps only Mrs Larminie, Bell Adams, Webster and Mr & Mrs Day, that I met. And it is for just this point the Mesmerist works: making a law, that you are a person, and are not the idea of Truth and Love, and although you gave the Science at first, yet others are just as capable of teaching it now. Mistaking the individual, of course they continue mistaking whatever you may say. Such is nearly the outlook among many older students

However, dear friend, I trust the good God did not send us to them in vain, and they will show better fruit, very early as the result of our visit.

Faithfully ever in Christ
S. J Sawyer
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Beloved Teacher:

Sitting here in the Union Depot at ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois, at 9 o'clock Sunday night, waiting for my train to leave for MilwaukeeEditorial Note: Milwaukee, Wisconsin at 10.30- I know you will pardon the pencil that gives you the result of my observations among ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists here. How I do wish I could tell it you by word of mouth

First I spoke at their morning service, to a good full house, and I spoke boldly in relation to the mind-cure, what they attempt etc. Then I took up the great necessity of students rousing from their lethargy, and meeting this question, strong and fearless. To make use of our literature, especially using large numbers of the aug Journal, to inform the people of the difference, I told them that if they claimed to be true scienistsCorrected:scientists, then they could manifest that fidelity dto it by following the directions of its author; and I could speak for Mrs Eddy's endorsment Corrected: endorsement of our appeal, to go to work with renewed vigor. Our words seemed to reach them, especially the younger class, and I hope the older students too.

After service I had a long talk with Rev Day, about the "Institute". I regret to say I find in him, a lack of energy, also a timidity. in relation to trusting to ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. He remarked that he could not see his way clear, how to conduct such an institution, especially where so many were interested.. That neither Mr ShermansEditorial Note: Bradford Sherman and Roger Sherman, or others of the older Students would do their teaching under the control of Institute, or share in its expense. He says that Mr Sherman's Corrected: Shermans do not help the church, or pay any attention to it. He says he has no money, and must depend upon the Institute for support. Finally he says this; Miss Brown would join with him and get a charter. Now let me give you Mrs Bell and Larminie's [?] Unclear or illegible  situation.

They both live in Hyde ParkEditorial Note: Hyde Park is a neighborhood in Chicago, Illinois.. which is a long distance from all the others; also Hyde Park is the wealthiest,, and largest township attached to the CityEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois. Mrs Larminie offers her home for use as an Institute. Mr Day thinks it ought to be up in the business part of City. that, will be very expensive though.

I found the greatest obstacle to forming the school of those you named in the objection to E. B. Both Mrs Bell and Larminie put aside their objections, but in Mr Bell, is the obstacle I could see no way to overcome. He says to me, if Mrs Larminie Mrs Webster or Adams and my wife will form an Institute I shall not object, but I wont Corrected: won't permit my wife to form one in connection with E. B.

Before I reached him, he had declared his wife must give up Science, and should not go to any Normal Class Etc. Etc.

I found Mrs Bell in distress over his decisions. I took my cue, and went to work upon him, told him all about the object in forming these Institutes and finally got him interested to the extent of his making the above concessions.

He is very proud, and of late Mrs Bell has had a difficult time of it with his pride. She thinks I gaind Corrected: gained q [?] Unclear or illegible uite a victory in gainng Corrected: gaining his consent to her going on. I admire him very much, for his sternling qualities, and if once converted to the sScience will help Mrs B- very decidedly. When he found that my acquaintances extended among his intimate business friends, and that I was devoting my time to the science, he changed his views very much.

This is the situation now– Mrs B– L– and Adams or Webster can form an Institute. Mr Day and E. B would form one also; and I think these would be followed by Mr Shermans on the West side. It seems impossible to get them to work together. Mrs B-ell; Larminie, will do anything you wish, yet are very positive that if Miss B- is not the head she would be a contentious one in their midst. I decided thus; that it would be wise perhaps for Mrs Larminie Bell and some one or two more to [?] Unclear or illegible  go ahead, get a charter, and if, Mr Day or others wanted to come into it after: or form another they could do so. Mrs Bell and Larminie are ready to begin at once,, but the indecision of Mr Day, and Mr Bell opposing any thingCorrected:anything of E B's being in may defeat, or delay the whole. Thus, in brief you have a hint as to the situation. Mr Day say's Corrected: says he will write you also, but I think the others had better go on, and if he will come in after, or join with E B. it will be well. Of course you can see mesmerism in the very atmosphere, here.

If Mrsr Sherman'sCorrected:Shermans wontCorrected:won't take an interest, what can be done? more, than for the others to go ahead as I h [?] Unclear or illegible ave suggested. Can you see the diviner side of this question, and write me your opinion. There are quite a number of young students here who are going to make good workers. If only that ambition, love of place, and power, love of money, could be put aside by some of the older one'sCorrected:ones, how beautiful all would be However, I believe, if Mrs Larminie Bell & others get a charter as I have suggested, it may stimulate Mrs Sherman's Corrected: Shermans to do the same, or come in with them.

It is too bad, but, the suspicion of E. B.'s fidelity to you is a sad obstacle, and yet all are anxious to hold on, and not offend her

There was one thing Mr Day could not get hold of – what system of teaching to adopt in the Institute. He seemed to think if six formed, the teaching would need to be divided, two would teach for a period, and so on through the year, and the proceeds be divided equally. I could not make him see that it was not designed to conduct it like a secular school

I enclose a dollarEditorial Note: $1.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $32.42 in 2023. and name for a subscriber to Journal, will you please send it to Mrs Crosse.

I presume there will be many orders sent for the Journal, as the result of our talk to them.

I believe this, that you are to see a new generation spring forth in Chicago, who will take up the sword and do battle for you, and our causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science., and that by those who will be fraithful to handling Animal Magnetism.

Monday morning 6. A M – And now let me say dear friend, that this trip to C–Expanded:Chicago has been a very practical lesson to me. I learned more and more that Animal Magnetism, is handled successfully, only as we begin first with self first. I noticed the almost universal mistake of all talking as though it was real, and discovering it in some oneCorrected:someone, or something outside of self. That very eagerness to see it in something beside self has begotten a forgetfullness Corrected: forgetfulness of its more dangerous forms. When will we all rouse up to the sense of the fact, that personalization of even sSpiritual things is the Scientists Corrected: Scientists' greatest foe, and the more harmful to our cause.

May our heavenly Father never let me forget it again; and may the Spirit keep me alive, awake to reminding my fellow-beings of the same.

When Mr Day said B. Sherman and wife did not come to Church, took no interest etc. I asked him if he handled the mesmeric influence, but he says no, I do not see how it apply'sCorrected:applies.

Mrs Bell informs me that his wife takes up Mal- Mes- but Mr Day does not think it so necessary. His is a good Christian, but the old forms of religion have considerable hold upon him yet.

The power or influence that has the tenacious hold upon them, with very few exceptions, and those exceptions are perhaps only Mrs Larminie, Bell Adams, Webster and Mr & Mrs Day, that I met. And it is for just this point the Mesmerist works: making a law, that you are a person, and are not the idea of Truth and Love, and although you gave the Science at first, yet others are just as capable of teaching it now. Mistaking the individual, of course they continue mistaking whatever you may say. Such is nearly the outlook among many older students

However, dear friend, I trust the good God did not send us to them in vain, and they will show better fruit, very early as the result of our visit.

Faithfully ever in Christ
S. J Sawyer
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The following text is stamped. End of stamped text. Chicago, Illinois Milwaukee, Wisconsin Christian Scientists Christian Science Bradford Sherman and Roger Sherman Hyde Park is a neighborhood in Chicago, Illinois. Chicago, Illinois $1.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $32.42 in 2023. The cause of Christian Science.