Accession: 223A.37.007
Editorial Title: Minnie B. Hall De Soto to Mary Baker Eddy, March 23, 1886
Author: Minnie B. Hall De Soto 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: March 23, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Minnie B. Hall De Soto on lined paper from Denver, Colorado.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs. Eddy.

I think you will be glad to hear how the Class is progressing in Denver, "The Queen City of the West," Mr. Sherman came here on last Thursday and took the class we had gotten up for him. he was obliged to divide the class. There are 39 in the two classes, and as I have attended three of his classes before I can tell somethingAs Written:some thing of the usual class. This is grand. and such enthusiastic pupils, Most have been cured by us or by some metaphysician so they seem to have the Truth in a Latent form and all it needs is to be awakened. Our Association had a regular "praise meeting" on Sat. and more cures and good work was reported than at any time before. We are all quite careful and do not hesitate to tell our Brothers if they do not walk in The TruthIII John 1:4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. and according to ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. We will unite this class with us on Thursday eve of next week I think the number will be 72.. Where Mr. & Mrs. ShermanEditorial Note: Bradford Sherman and Martha E. Sherman, Miss Platt and Mr. Wickersham will meet with us. Really Mrs. Eddy if there were a few more like Mr. Sherman in the CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. it would be glorious - I certainly think he is a superior teacher. Of course it is due to his great earnestness in The work. There are a number waiting to see whether he will take them into another class. after this is finished. We have not one Spiritualist in this class. There were two in the other not converted. but they seemed to go on with their Spiritualism and not attempt the healing. Neither are members of the AssociationEditorial Note: This is a reference to the Denver, Colorado branch of the Christian Scientist Association.. As we are very strict in our BylawsAs Written:By Laws you know that none are allowed to join but from your Class and from a Normal Student, On The first of April we change the name from Metaphysical C. S. Association to Students C. S. A.. Thanks to you for your kind letter of informationEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. I know you are busy, but I think when reports as bright as they are from Denver it must cheer you Mrs. Eddy the first Normal class you teach I hope you will allow Mama and myself to enter. I know a few who will certainly make excellent teachers and of course we will need them for so many cannot come to you and it is better to have your School teach than Evans' and Aren's. and People are bound to know what is in this method of treatment. then if this other is at hand they go with the tide. then are lost at sea I must tell you of a case I have had. We treated (absently) a lady when she was confined - there was no Dr., only the mother of the lady present. She had no pain and has been up every day since Baby weighed 8 pounds and the mother a very small woman. She has taken care of the child from first and has taken no cold - she kindly wrote us a note of thanks. this is the first case in Denver. Grand is it not? We all love the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science - five of us are metaphysicians in the house. and mama and I have 75 or 80 patients all the time -

Yours with love and in Truth
Minnie B. Hall

nearly everyoneAs Written:every one in the AssociationEditorial Note: This is a reference to the Denver, Colorado branch of the Christian Scientist Association. are working - and have had splendid results.

M. B. H.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs. Eddy.

I think you will be glad to hear how the Class is progressing in Denver, "The Queen City of the West," Mr. Sherman came here on last Thursday and took the class we had gotten up for him. he was obliged to divide the class. There are 39 in the two classes, and as I have attended five three of his classes before I can tell some thingCorrected:something of the usual class. This is grand. and such enthusiastic pupils, Most have been cured by us or by some metaphysician so they seem to have the Truth in a Latent form and all it needs is to be awakened. Our Association had a regular "praise meeting" on Sat. and more cures and good work was reported than at any time before. We are all quite careful and do not hesitate to tell our Brothers if they do not walk in The TruthIII John 1:4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. and according to ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. We will unite this class with us on Thursday eve of next week I think the number will be 72.. Where Mr. & Mrs. ShermanEditorial Note: Bradford Sherman and Martha E. Sherman, Miss Platt and Mr. Wickersham will meet with us. Really Mrs. Eddy if there were a few more like Mr. Sherman in the CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. it would be glorious - I certainly think he is a superior teacher. Of course it is due to his great earnestness in The work. There are a number waiting to see whether he will take them into another class. after this is finished. We have not one Spiritualist in this class. There were two in the other not converted. but they seemed to go on with their Spiritualism and not attempt the healing. Neither are members of the AssociationEditorial Note: This is a reference to the Denver, Colorado branch of the Christian Scientist Association.. As we are very strict in our By LawsCorrected:Bylaws you know that none are allowed to join but from your Class and from a Normal Student, On The first of April we change the name from Metaphysical C. S. Association to Students C. S. A.. Thanks to you for your kind letter of informationEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. I know you are busy, but I think when reports ar as bright as they are from Denver it must cheer you Mrs. Eddy the first nNormal class you teach I hope you will allow Mama and myself to enter. I know a few who will certainly make excellent teachers and of course we will need them for so many cannot come to you and it is better to have your School teach than Evans' and Aren's. and they People are bound to know what is in this method of treatment. thaen if this other is at hand they go with the tide. then are lost at sea I must tell you of a case I have had. We treated (absently) a lady when she was confined - there was no Dr., only the mother of the lady present. She had no pain and has been up every day since Baby weighed 8 pounds and the mother a very small woman. She has taken care of the child from first and has taken no cold - she kindly wrote us a note of thanks. this is the first case in Denver. Grand is it not? We all love the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science - five of us are metaphysicians in the house. and mama and I have 75 or 80 patiensts all the time -

Yours with love and in Truth
Minnie B. Hall

nearly every oneCorrected:everyone in the AssociationEditorial Note: This is a reference to the Denver, Colorado branch of the Christian Scientist Association. are working - and have had splendid results.

M. B. H.

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Christian Science Bradford Sherman and Martha E. Sherman The cause of Christian Science. This is a reference to the Denver, Colorado branch of the Christian Scientist Association. This letter is not extant. Christian Science This is a reference to the Denver, Colorado branch of the Christian Scientist Association.