I have just come from a visit to Miss Morse, and I wish at once to give you an account of it.
I had been asked by a lady here to treat Miss. Morse for harmony. I began to do so., She came the following Sunday to hear me preachAs Written:prach. I had not seen her of some two months. We met again last evening at a scientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientist meeting. Now todayAs Written:to-day from this interview I bring you good news of her. She says that she holds you in very high honor, that she is your grateful disciple, that some words and actions of hers have been misconstrued. On being asked to speak at a certain meeting just after she had finished her course with you, she said she had nothing to say, meaning that she had no ideas then calling for utterance. This was construed as a declaration that she had learned nothing from you. Then she is accused of isolating herself by not coming to their meetings. She repeatedly told me that she has gone whenever her circumstances permitted; and that she means to cooperate with your disciples to the utmost of her ability. I urged her so to do and argued the importance of united action against our many enemies who are often confounded with us. I think she will be all right and that you will find her in the future useful to the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. – as indeed she has been.
I told her I should write to you at once; and she was well pleased, as she wanted to stand well in your judgment and esteem. I believe As Written: beleive she will have no more trouble on the subject of mesmerism which she had not comprehended, as I did not once.
Several of my congregation have already begun to show a favorable disposition toward ChristianAs Written:Chrn. Science, who have never looked at it before; and scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science promises to shape and control this new ChurchAs Written:Ch. and greatly advance the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. in this city. It cannot be otherwise with my peaching and the large members of the scientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists to give it force.
Sorry to hear through Mr. Lang you have lost that beautiful lot. The other corner, I think, is almost as good, and that the difference in cost is greater than the difference in value, so that it is cheaper.