I don’t see how the mals or anyoneAs Written:any one else can make trouble on that score-
I have been to see an old friend of mine who keeps boarders she has a second story back room that is very well furnished, that she will give with board, fire, gas, &c. for $5000Editorial Note: $50.00 in 1882 is the equivalent of $1,289.23 in 2017. per month or two dollarsEditorial Note: $2.00 in 1882 is the equivalent of $51.57 in 2017. a day for two—the bathroom is supplied with hot and cold water on the floor back of this room, she has public parlor but no private parlor to rent, she keeps a good house and gives a good table— I saw a suit of rooms parlor and sleeping room rent without board is $30—Editorial Note: $30.00 in 1882 is the equivalent of $773.54 in 2017. perAs Written:pr. month.
How would it do for you to come and take board with this friend of mine and we will look about and see what is best,