Aug 22 – 1886
Received the books and was delighted to your dear face look out at me. With this I send a Chautauqua paper with Dr Giffords sermon delivered Aug 8th two days after he delivered the lecture on Christian Science, he presented the subject in a clear concise manner taking up the points everyoneAs Written:evry one is eager (who is interested) to have explained condemnation, divinity of Christ prayer and Atonement As Written: Atonment his illustration were As Written: wer good and will not soon be- forgotten. The lecture was announced As Written: anounced in the Jamestown Journal and quite a party went from here and they and many more are anxiously waiting for it to be published – but they told me at the Herald office that when it was about half set-up they came to something they could not read and sent it to the Dr to interpretAs Written:interpert and he did not return it, this is the last week the paper will be printed at Chautauqua but if I could get the lecture I would have it printed in the Jamestown Journal, It was a great thing to have Christian Science presented at Chautauqua because so many people congregate there from the different States, over two thousand people listened to the lecture and five to the sermon and they expressed themselves very much pleased with the sermon many said it was the best thing they had heard at Chautauqua this season – to me it was the essence of ChristianAs Written:C. Science- Christian Science and Faith Healing have clasped hands at Chautauqua two― or I should say a Scientists and the founder of the Faith Home of Erie PennsylvaniaAs Written:Pa Mrs Thompson, Six years ago Dr Vincent As Written: Vincen utterly refused to have any faith healing on the grounds and she said when she heard Dr Gifford's As Written: Giffords lecture her prayer had been answered.
One of my students As Written: studants has a Cottage there and I have been there often. Have you received a letter from a Mrs Otis of Charlotte MichiganAs Written:Mich asking to be admitted As Written: admited to the Sept class? She is a worthy woman and has had a hard struggle As Written: strugle for the truth. Mrs P— has offered to give her a course of instruction at the Sherman House C– the first of Sept.
I will enclose the testimony As Written: testamony of Mrs Thompson she says As Written: sais I wish I could talk with Mrs Eddy. I hear Ms Adams is to stop at Corry this week on her way to join the Sept class. I hope to meet her before she returns to C–