Nov. 1886
I write by advice of several students to tell you of Mrs. Dr- French – She came here visited the Students & told them such wrong things and said she made it her business As Written: busyness to search out your history As Written: hystory and of all the things she is telling is terrible – One family with whom she was intimate and who are Mrs. L's Students and true ones too – came to me in great distress to know if these things are so – Mrs. Ewing told me yesterday she had a relative in Minneapolis As Written: Mineapolis "who was present at her lecture and thought she preached Very strange Christian As Written: Chrmstian Science– and gave it out she was prepared to teach C. S. in four lessons As Written: lesson's – at twenty dollar'sEditorial Note: $20.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $648.30 in 2023. apieceAs Written:a piece – We hear startling stories As Written: storyes she is telling and many friends have sought As Written: saught myself As Written: my-self and others enquiring as to the Truth – I am so sorry to tell you this and only give you a hint of what is going on –
My sister and Husband are with me – Strange to say all my poor Husband's As Written: Husbands relatives he invited took sick and the various As Written: vareious happenings kept them away – I believe he thinks I treated them – but I am innocent – he saw how wrong he did and is humbled As Written: houmbled – He will come into ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science somedayAs Written:some day I am sure – He went with me to Church last Sunday & the Students said "Mrs. Bell you looked grand marching in at the head of your family – I was proud indeed –
Our work is going on steadily prospering – Church growing and all things are well considering the activity of malice As Written: malace in its seeming – My Sister and self are studying As Written: studdying every spare moment – her Husband is grand in the Science and encourages every movement – I am so happy for that –
loving Student –