Your sad, sad reports from the West before me. I have letters of Swarts in which he abjures Spiritualism, denies its claims, declares he is not teaching it, etc. I have sent him letters in which I say he is not qualified to teach; but if he is teaching what he says in his letters to me, he must be doing some good. But now he turns again and denies all he has before said to me on paper, and lies publicly!
Your duty and the duty of every scientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientist in Chicago is to get my booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. into the hands of all you can, and write articles for the leading papers denying his having gone through a course of instruction with me; speak of it as it was, he merely visited my class and brought his wife without my invitation. He is a hot headed rogue, fraudulent and daring. You must handle him, use your influence with all that can help you before his efforts get to such proportions as the sinners in Boston, or Chicago will use it. Get the press in your favor (Read what I say here to the C.S.A. in your city) I was sorry to hear the C.S.A. Did not vote in the students of my students so as to get a strength against aggressors.
I have students in Boston teaching and if the student teaches what I do their students join our association. Even if their teaching are not quite right and you get their students into your meetings you can correct their faults and so do more good. I recommend that the Association reconsider that vote and draw in Mr & Mrs. EmersonEditorial Note: William Emerson and Nellie J. Emerson Mrs. Gestefeld and all who are loyal to Truth
Love to your dear wife