I received a call from a Mrs Todd of your place that wishes to study Metaphysics. with a view to practice.
I would like to inquire of you how much means they are supposed to possess.
Mrs Eddy has had long experience with the Free-masons and is highly in favor of the Order and I think of joining them the first opportunity. Had you not better join them before locating in practice, Candidates are required to join where they have lived within the jurisdiction of the Lodge six months and within the state one year.
I think if the people of your place thought you had gone west and did not know what part of it you might do well to start a practice at Fair Haven Conn. my brotherEditorial Note: Washington Eddy is there and is a Free-mason and if you were a member of that fraternity my brother and all of the Brotherhood would feel interested in you. I think my brother would employ you and if you wished it would give you rent in his house
Please reply as soon as convenient and oblige