Yours of the 21stEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. is receivedAs Written:recd, there is no certainty of Mr. Saunders being in his office on Friday, but will be in on Saturday from eleven A.M. till two P.M.. Please come in the early train and stop with us until it is time to meet Saunders. We can talk with our lawyer all we wish free of charge, and I hardly think you will care to go further, but if you should, there will be time and opportunity. I find that as you did not legally authorize me to look after your business, you are under no obligation to acknowledge that which I caused to done, and as I, in causing Mr. D. to either fulfill his agreement, or quit claim to you, acted in good faith and done as I would wish one to do for me under like circumstances, it will reflect no discredit upon either of us, for you not to accept As Written: accep the quit claiming, and transfer your mortgage, giving Mr. D. an opportunity of obtaining something more for his place, as he has the opportunity of doing now I believe
Please bring this letter